Apr 3, 12
Other articles:
  • Nov 2, 2006 . longest names of movies. . Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe
  • Oct 13, 2011 . The results were a long list of film titles that covered several social . that gave
  • Longest Movie Titles Ever. http://www.listology.com/lukeprog/list/longest-movie-
  • 7 Ebolusyon ng isang pamilyang pilipino [2004]; 8 "Longest film titles" section .
  • Longest movie ever made. Longest movie in Hollywood. Mad by Buracz Bosnitz.
  • apparently the longest movie title ever of a commercially released film. 14 words
  • War movies are one of the most popular genres around with hundreds of titles
  • Jan 11, 2008 . Two of the movies opening this week are on the short list for longest . eight of
  • image of title · Movies longer than the usual. a list of 25 titles by aforeginer
  • Mar 9, 2008 . Can anyone come up with a title of a fairly mainstream movie - ie, not . Re:
  • Aug 28, 2007 . Extra long titles used to be almost the exclusive domain of b-movies . Extra-
  • The greatest films The "Greatest" and the "Best" in Cinematic History www.filmsite
  • I've hear some crazy movie titles in my day. . What were the longest movie titles
  • May 17, 2011 . As best as I could assemble them, these are the longest film titles in history, from
  • List Price: $149.98 . . (has to be one of the longest movie titles ever btw), . . see
  • Dec 1, 2010 . Is this the longest film title ever? Or is there a . After a a few Merlots we decided
  • Listology: Movie Longest Titles Ever . Longest Listology: Titles Movie Ever .
  • Print This List Email to a Friend. Top 50 Longest Video Game Names Ever Add to
  • The Ten Longest Album Titles Ever. By Reed Fischer Mon., Sep. 12 2011 at 9:03
  • image of title · The Longest Films Ever Made. a list of 267 titles by
  • There are thousands of anime tiles out there and new shows and movie are
  • Nov 5, 2005 . This is a list of the some of the longest movies ever released. Major releases.
  • (has to be one of the longest movie titles ever btw), . don't want to have to look
  • Dec 9, 2009 . The Quick 10: 10 of the Longest Movie Titles. . @Katie D.: it's on the list already.
  • Jan 27, 2010 . Thread: ►► ►► ►► ►► Longest Movie Titles Ever ! . .. By far, the most high-
  • Below is a list of all football movies including high school .
  • Jun 23, 2004 . (organized by number of characters in the title, not how it appears in Listology's
  • Aug 3, 2006 . Though it's hardly the longest movie title ever. It's only number 129 on a list of the
  • Dec 11, 2003 . Longest stream of movie titles I have put together so far. . I just know that for
  • Nov 12, 2004 . Long Movie Titles . Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and
  • Lav Diaz and Ulrike Ottinger tie for the most films on this list (six). . Page 1 of 3 (
  • May 26, 2010 . Just take a look at this list of the Longest Movie Titles Ever. I'd like to see
  • Oct 27, 2008 . Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?
  • 47 items . this List Title is Trying to be but Listal.com Has a Regulation on List .
  • Keyword movie title movie titles movies titles movie titles alphabetically funny .
  • Nov 28, 2007 . The Longest (American) Movies of All Time - Looking at information for . So I sat
  • Nov 26, 2009 . Longest Movie Titles Ever | Listology 1. Another Demonstration of the Cliff-
  • Movies of All Time, Source lists & details: Academy . Text only view: by title by
  • There are other Longest Movie Titles lists that include longer-titled obscure .
  • This list is drawn from the second edition of "The New York Times Guide to the
  • Oct 17, 2010 . Longest Song Titles Ever . . "Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do
  • Sep 14, 2008 . Longest movie titles ever. Continuing the interesting thread opened up by our
  • Sep 8, 2008 . EDIT: Actually, it's number seven on the longest movie titles list! these . 9 Can
  • The 50 Longest Movie Titles Ever . Yea, this list makes zero sense. . How many
  • The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World movie download Actors: .
  • Whether you want to know the new movies, a list of the most popular movies last
  • Oscars® Best Picture Winning Movie Titles Year Nominations . Therefore,
  • This list of film spoofs in Mad includes films spoofed (parodied) by the American
  • Like determining the list of longest novels, figuring the list of longest films yields
  • It is definitely time consuming combing through titles of thousands of movies. If

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