Other articles:
Jul 24, 2005 . Author, Topic: World's Longest Movie Title, Part IV . According to the Empire
Dec 8, 2011 . Silent Night, Deadly Night of the Living Dead Snow White Noise Control Room
There are other Longest Movie Titles lists that include longer-titled obscure
[nq:1]I just looked up this movie on imdb.com, and this is what they say for the tit
Sep 11, 2007 . not really…there are dozens of movies with longer titles. This is a 1901
LEts' have fun lol share the longest movie titles u have ever heared about or
Movie Recommendations, Rants and Ruminations. Skip to content . Longest
Dec 16, 2011 . I spent some time today and entered all my DVDs and Blu-rays into a database (
Dec 14, 2002 . got any others? (trivia, what movie has BOTH the longest movie title and the
With 42 words in its title, 164 characters without spaces, it holds the distinction of
The longest list of longest things at the longest domain, What is the longest. .
What is the Longest and shortest Horror movie Title? (Page 1) - General Horror
Jul 18, 2008 . At times I run into things that I think that no person should live without. This is one
Dec 16, 2011 . Since folks have already posted incredibly long titles already why not continue
Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge
Aug 3, 2006 . The longest-titled movie ever nominated for an Academy award is Dr.
Jun 17, 2007 . It's hard to type that way - makes me think of Title Case in Word. Seriously, how
Mar 9, 2008 . Can anyone come up with a title of a fairly mainstream movie - ie, not some
Nov 22, 2010 . title says it all. this is the biggest most explosive action movie since 300.
Oct 31, 2008 . What a magnificent concept! One example is the list of movies with particularly
Jan 11, 2008 . Two of the movies opening this week are on the short list for longest movie title of
May 17, 2011 . As best as I could assemble them, these are the longest film titles in history, from
Alternatively, to paraphrase the old primary school joke, the longest movie title is
Nov 7, 2009 . This is an ACTUAL movie title, and yes, i did memorize it.
A collection of movie title stills from trailers of feature films.
Sep 14, 2008 . Continuing the interesting thread opened up by our fellow namer, I shall link you
Jan 27, 2010 . Longest Movie Titles Ever http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/7351/
The Quick 10: 10 of the Longest Movie Titles by Stacy Conradt - December 9,
The longest movie title at the longest list of longest things at the longest domain.
Jun 23, 2004 . (organized by number of characters in the title, not how it appears in Listology's
Old 02-27-2007, 03:03 AM. mmd83 · mmd83's Avatar. Join Date: Aug 2003.
47 items . this List Title is Trying to be but Listal.com Has a Regulation on List .
Nov 2, 2006 . longest names of movies. . . . .. An english man who went up hill but came
What is the longest movie title - trivia question /questions answer / answers.
Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge
longest movie title ever · Explore · block · howtotrainyourkerry: So I watched The
The longest film screened so far is the Danish experimental film Modern Times
Nov 26, 2009 . Longest Movie Titles Ever | Listology 1. Another Demonstration of the Cliff-
May 21, 2010 . Once, a one-word title was all a movie needed to be marketed. Now the names
The World's Longest Movie Title The Coffee Lounge.
Apr 22, 2009 . mikew41, It's a long one alright. It's "Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the
Top News; Movie News; TV News; Celebrity News; Featured News; IMDb
Sep 14, 2011 . @Jordan, I think the way Dinesh has represented double letters visually with
Aug 27, 2011 . @Jordan, I think the way Dinesh has represented double letters visually with
Aug 10, 2011 . I've come across some pretty crazy and long movie titles but I'd like to know what
Nov 16, 2010 . What's the longest movie title ever? Answer: Night of the Day of the Dawn of the
Apr 15, 2010 . I think: Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the
Nov 28, 2011 . Yep, they've surpassed themselves and made a film with an even longer title:
The idea for you to write a movie title using the last word (or prtion of a word) from
Apr 28, 2011 . Well, I had the idea in my head and did some research. Turns out I found it while