Jan 3, 12
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  • Feb 29, 2008. the <a> element and redirect the browser location to its href attribute value. . .
  • $("#content a[href^='http://']").attr("target","_blank");. Also note that . window.open
  • May 25, 2009 . setTimeout( "window.location.href = sTargetURL", 2*1000 ); // The 2*1000 equals
  • I am using window.location.href but can't appy a target blank to it! Just self or top..
  • <a href= "htmlfile.htm" target= "destination_framename"> . <html> <body> <a
  • irt.org FAQ Knowledge Base - Q18 Where does the target=
  • passing variable when location.href='target.php'. Thank you in advance for .
  • onClick='parent.bottom.location.href="bottom2.html"'. . HTML Frames - Tips for
  • How to spcify target with window.location.href??? ASP, VB Script.
  • b2+="<table width=500 bgcolor='#000000' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=
  • location.href="vbchsub.htm" target="myiframe"; } works fine but must use a form. (
  • Sep 18, 2011 . keyCode == '39') { var x = location.href; var currentSlideNumber . $(target).offset(
  • function updateLink(linkID){ document.location.target='_blank'; document.
  • A link to W3Schools.com: <a href="http://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools.
  • I was wondering if there is a code that allows you to target ur link to a . .
  • var target = constructURL(linkName, theURL); document.location.href = target;
  • target more than one frame at a time using another frameset? . onclick="top.
  • $("#popup").html($('<a />', { href: window.location.href, text: 'open popup', target: '
  • In Javascript you use: top.location.href = 'page.htm';. To target the current page or
  • Jun 11, 2008 . ThisSN='+cellcontent+'"]').attr("target", "_blank"); }, ------ If I use this line instead of
  • Note that the href attribute in each source anchor specifies the address of the
  • May 26, 2011 . <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="English" . (location.href)+'
  • The target property sets or returns the value of the target attribute of a link. The
  • setTimeout('document.location = "' + link.href + '"', 100) . 1) Add target="_blank"
  • . in a new window add this: <a href="somepage.htm" target="_blank">Link
  • Re: window.opener.location.href doesn't work in frame. Instead of script, just set
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  • . the script captures the click event and stops it. This will prevent the browser
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  • 6 days ago . javascript:prompt('', '<div class="twitter_timeline"><a href="' + location.href + '"
  • Apr 5, 2010 . John Williams wrote: > Is there way to pass a variable to browser through php, >
  • target window.location.href to iframe on new page JavaScript.
  • onclick=location.href (new window), Software Development, . The target
  • location.href - target new window ASP.NET. . I've tried adding target="_blank" to
  • [nyphp-talk] passing variable when location.href='target.php'. Michael Turk
  • . Dogs: </th></tr> <tr><td> <a href="fkuvasz.html" target="Y" onClick="parent.
  • if (!events && target.href) // No handlers but we have href { $target.bind('click',
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  • target attribute; Firefox under, even objects with target . issues. 11.window.
  • The JavaScript location object is a property of the window object. . host value of
  • Unable to target javascript location .href, Software Development, Application
  • <a href="http://www.example.com/" target="_top">Link text</a>. Javascript
  • Links have three parts; a destination, a label and a target. . the label is the

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