Jan 8, 12
Other articles:
  • Instead of just assigning a new value to location.href use window.open . To
  • Target Window or Frame . To target the current page or frame you can use <a
  • To open a new window with the given width, height, location, menu bar, scroll bar
  • top.location.href , window.opner.document.location.href , parent.location.href. . I
  • createRange().text;}void(window.open('http://site-url/wp-admin/post-new.php?text
  • Dec 1, 2011 . New sub-page; History · Talk page; Print page; Pages that link here . This
  • window.location.href = submitto; return false; } </script>. Note: To make the
  • Feb 14, 2008 . What should i do to create a NEW window EVERY TIME when i click ? ? ? Can
  • onClick="window.location.href='content.htm'" That of course opens the . What I
  • window.location.href JavaScript. . window.parent.location="http://www.google.
  • By default when using location.href="fileName.html", the target is the current .
  • . into the link to allow it to be opened within a new window/tab. . onclick="
  • 1 20th April 21:02. sid. External User. Posts: 1. Default RightWindow.Location.
  • How do I use an input button in a form to open a link in a new window. . type="
  • Jul 7, 2000 . </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF="javascript:popNewWindow();">Open up a new
  • New Window Links on Pages, in Menus and in Search Forms . To have the link
  • window.open( 'https://support.wwf.org.uk/earth_hour/index.php?type=individual', '_blank' // <- This is what makes it open in a new window. ); .
  • The location object is a property of the window object. window.location . Then,
  • Jun 8, 2011 . You are correct, in javascript window.location.href can be used to obtain . . We
  • my problem: location.href in windows gadget open new IE page! Search
  • Oct 18, 2011 . Opening a link with javascript onclick in same window and new window. . using
  • re: window.top.location.href. "Scott" wrote:[color=blue] > I'm new to ASP, but I've
  • onclick=location.href (new window), Software Development, Application
  • window.open target _self v window.location.href? . or window.location.href = "
  • Browsers can be configured to behave many ways, you have no control from
  • location.href - target new window ASP. . that takes a value from a textbox on the
  • location.href to new window JavaScript programming.
  • newWindow.location.href = http://home.netscape.com/comprod/products/
  • <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(location.href); </script>. The output
  • if (window.location.href.replace) top.location.replace(self.location.href); else .
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  • Lightbox Gallery is the first software that creates AJAX-powered online image
  • 1 day ago . var select = (window.location.href.indexOf('?') > -1) ? window.location.href.split('?'
  • location.href in a new window. Natko #:1491537, 1:32 am on Dec 9, 2003 (gmt 0)
  • A so-called "chromeless window" is one where all the bars have been turned off.
  • Jun 29, 2010 . var root = location.href.replace(location.pathname + location.search + . In this
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  • Value, Description. _blank, Opens the linked document in a new window . <a id
  • For example, the following code opens this page in a new window. myRef =
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  • Dec 22, 2011 . In some cases the modal dialog will still open a new window. For instance if you
  • Jun 29, 2011 . Using Javascript we can alter the “window.location.href”. property, then the page
  • First, open this page in a new window or tab, to clear any current window or tab .
  • Nov 7, 2011 . +varname+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.
  • window.open() is a method that you can pass a URL to that you want to open in a
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  • Finally, if you'd prefer to have to selected page open in a new window, replace
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  • ncthakur.itgo.com Javascript: Opening New Window . browser window as a

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