Jan 10, 12
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  • toString()=='')?s:('%22'+enc(s)+'%22')),f='http://bitly.com/m/',l=d.location . =0,
  • [Archive] [RESOLVED] javascript location.href problem. . a problem in IE (Firefox
  • Jul 31, 2009 . It can synchronize (privately) bookmarks from Firefox, Safari, and . . =550,height=
  • Hi, location.href is not working on FF 3.5,Chrome,safari on line 49 in the included
  • HTTP/1.1 requires an absolute URI as argument to » Location: including the
  • does anyone know the work around using location.href with firefox. it doesn't
  • So why doesn't : Work in FF, works fine in IE. This baffles me.
  • Jan 27, 2009 . Mac Firefox 3.0 + Flash + Javascript = Random Artifacts . you use any type of
  • Trouble with asynchronous behaviour of location.href in Firefox 3.0.3. Hi! The
  • javascript:void(window.open(location.href="https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=
  • Mar 26, 2007 . AddFavorite(location.href, document.title) which is working only in IE. I need to do
  • URL of the active Tab (firefox). Edit Subject. How do I access in firefox to the
  • location.href = "#top"; not working in Firefox but works in IE. Get JavaScript / Ajax /
  • So, am using window.location.href = somePath . I've have something similar in
  • in both IE and FireFox: window.location.assign(url); Here is answere for You:
  • This appears to be a known issue with Firefox. Try googling for "location.href
  • end of firefox code block. else. {. var add = frames['content'].location.href; //second
  • . /www.delicious.com/save?url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)
  • Replace the original onQuickAdd() function with the following code. // Then re-
  • Javascript - Assigning Location.href, Explain Url Encoding (in Asp.net And Firefox
  • Fixing Base Href Javascript Document.Location For Internet Explorer. IE(6)
  • Firefox does not support the javascript click() event on a hyperlink. So doing
  • function linkRewriter(obj) { var linkUrl = "test.php"; var linkText = obj.href; // see if
  • window.location.href fails in Firefox JavaScript programming.
  • window.location.href = vgPath ;. Here's a quick example which does work in
  • does anyone know the work around using location.href with firefox. it doesn't
  • Aug 18, 2011 . http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13824 Summary: If location.href
  • [Archive] location.href in firefox XML, HTML, Javascript, Web and CSS.
  • can you please tell me how to use window.location.href in firefox ? . This should
  • <div id="flashBio" onClick="location.href='http://www.google.com';"> It's working
  • Dec 1, 2011 . Returns a Location object, which contains information about the URL of . This is
  • Nov 8, 2008 . window.location.href works fine in all versions of Firefox, as does document.
  • Net and can't get the location.href (Anchor Tag) to Jump to the location I am
  • Jun 29, 2011 . It appears that the issue is the function transferPageWithReferrer(url) { location.
  • 1 Javascript bookmarklet; 2 Mozilla Firefox Add-on; 3 Wayback template .
  • browserURLChange(flexAppUrl); } _storeStates(); } } if (browser.firefox) { if (
  • Nov 9, 2009 . Is this a Firefox remote XMLHttpRequest bug? . useless “feature” or a legitimate
  • Does the element you're scrolling down to have an ID property and is the ID only used once?
  • Hi All, I've been facing problem with window.location.href in FF. Here's my code:
  • Parent.location.href why this doesnt work in firefox/mozilla? . <html><body><
  • shared/json_echo.php?a=1', success: function(){ callback_href(3); } } ], // 4 [ '
  • Feb 23, 2005 . Re: JavaScript Oddity in FireFox. Oh wow! I use location.href all over the place in
  • Jan 18, 2011 . javascript:document.location.href = "";. The problem also exists in both Firefox 3.6
  • I have been using <body onload="location.href='#'"> for my DNN website . which
  • firefox location href. . having trouble using location.href as part of . to work in
  • Hi all, The javascript code given below (self.location.href='logout.html') works fine
  • parent.document.location.href works OK for me in Firefox. We really need to see
  • it is working fine in IE,but not in Firefox. i tried with the "document.location.href"
  • [Archive] Resolved Firefox hates my Javascript JavaScript. . I tried modifying my
  • Yes, to prevent malicious webpages from blocking the user from leaving.

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