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toString()=='')?s:('%22'+enc(s)+'%22')),f='http://bitly.com/m/',l=d.location . =0,
[Archive] [RESOLVED] javascript location.href problem. . a problem in IE (Firefox
Jul 31, 2009 . It can synchronize (privately) bookmarks from Firefox, Safari, and . . =550,height=
Hi, location.href is not working on FF 3.5,Chrome,safari on line 49 in the included
HTTP/1.1 requires an absolute URI as argument to » Location: including the
does anyone know the work around using location.href with firefox. it doesn't
So why doesn't : Work in FF, works fine in IE. This baffles me.
Jan 27, 2009 . Mac Firefox 3.0 + Flash + Javascript = Random Artifacts . you use any type of
Trouble with asynchronous behaviour of location.href in Firefox 3.0.3. Hi! The
Mar 26, 2007 . AddFavorite(location.href, document.title) which is working only in IE. I need to do
URL of the active Tab (firefox). Edit Subject. How do I access in firefox to the
location.href = "#top"; not working in Firefox but works in IE. Get JavaScript / Ajax /
So, am using window.location.href = somePath . I've have something similar in
in both IE and FireFox: window.location.assign(url); Here is answere for You:
This appears to be a known issue with Firefox. Try googling for "location.href
end of firefox code block. else. {. var add = frames['content'].location.href; //second
. /www.delicious.com/save?url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)
Replace the original onQuickAdd() function with the following code. // Then re-
Javascript - Assigning Location.href, Explain Url Encoding (in Asp.net And Firefox
Fixing Base Href Javascript Document.Location For Internet Explorer. IE(6)
Firefox does not support the javascript click() event on a hyperlink. So doing
function linkRewriter(obj) { var linkUrl = "test.php"; var linkText = obj.href; // see if
window.location.href fails in Firefox JavaScript programming.
window.location.href = vgPath ;. Here's a quick example which does work in
does anyone know the work around using location.href with firefox. it doesn't
Aug 18, 2011 . http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13824 Summary: If location.href
[Archive] location.href in firefox XML, HTML, Javascript, Web and CSS.
can you please tell me how to use window.location.href in firefox ? . This should
<div id="flashBio" onClick="location.href='http://www.google.com';"> It's working
Dec 1, 2011 . Returns a Location object, which contains information about the URL of . This is
Nov 8, 2008 . window.location.href works fine in all versions of Firefox, as does document.
Net and can't get the location.href (Anchor Tag) to Jump to the location I am
Jun 29, 2011 . It appears that the issue is the function transferPageWithReferrer(url) { location.
1 Javascript bookmarklet; 2 Mozilla Firefox Add-on; 3 Wayback template .
browserURLChange(flexAppUrl); } _storeStates(); } } if (browser.firefox) { if (
Nov 9, 2009 . Is this a Firefox remote XMLHttpRequest bug? . useless “feature” or a legitimate
Does the element you're scrolling down to have an ID property and is the ID only used once?
Hi All, I've been facing problem with window.location.href in FF. Here's my code:
Parent.location.href why this doesnt work in firefox/mozilla? . <html><body><
shared/json_echo.php?a=1', success: function(){ callback_href(3); } } ], // 4 [ '
Feb 23, 2005 . Re: JavaScript Oddity in FireFox. Oh wow! I use location.href all over the place in
Jan 18, 2011 . javascript:document.location.href = "";. The problem also exists in both Firefox 3.6
I have been using <body onload="location.href='#'"> for my DNN website . which
firefox location href. . having trouble using location.href as part of . to work in
Hi all, The javascript code given below (self.location.href='logout.html') works fine
parent.document.location.href works OK for me in Firefox. We really need to see
it is working fine in IE,but not in Firefox. i tried with the "document.location.href"
[Archive] Resolved Firefox hates my Javascript JavaScript. . I tried modifying my
Yes, to prevent malicious webpages from blocking the user from leaving.