Oct 4, 14
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  • trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/59767972. entitled PETER WILKINS ; or, the Loadstone Rock and the Flying Indians . . be
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  • . Darnay, in the Tale of Two Cities, was attracted to the Loadstone Rock, Paris. .
  • https://giljamesttc.wikispaces.com/Allusions‎CachedPlease focus only on allusions that contribute in some way to the major
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  • www.loudlit.org/audio/twocities/pages/10_10_twocities.htm‎CachedThe allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay that this disagreeable
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  • . as Dar- nay, in the "Tale of Two Cities," was attracted to the Loadstone Rock, .
  • sentence.yourdictionary.com/lodestone‎CachedSimilarNo sea-going ships were built in China before 139 B.C. The earliest allusion to
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