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I'm trying to load the youtube chromeless player using a SWFLoader inside a
public var autoPlay:Boolean; /** By default, a SWFLoader instance will
I'm trying to load the youtube chromeless player using a SWFLoader inside a
Event; /** * An Event dispatched by one of the loaders in the LoaderMax system.
If you want LoaderMax to require this SWFLoader as part of its parent
Sep 29, 2011 . public class Main extends Sprite { private var swfL : SWFLoader; private var
Jun 19, 2010 . Flex friendly – Simply change the LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass to
Flex friendly - Simply change the LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass to
Aug 2, 2011 . i was looking for some tutorials about LoaderMax, specially the ones related with
Package com.greensock.loading, Classes. Classes. Class .
private var swfLoader:SWFLoader;. private function onCreationComplete(e:Event
Oct 29, 2010 . For example, if you nest an ImageLoader in a LoaderMax and . . of LoaderMax -
by greensock » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:22 pm. That's unrelated to LoaderMax/
[static] Dispatched by a LoaderMax (or other loader that may dynamically
1) Load the data in using DataLoader in binary mode. . in the context of
2011-07-30 ------------------------------------------ LoaderMax 1.87 SWFLoader 1.87
19 /** Dispatched by a LoaderMax (or other loader that may dynamically
If you do not set an appropriate <code>estimatedSize</code> for XMLLoaders or
name : String - A name that is used to identify the SWFLoader instance. This
I got a very strange bug(?) here. I am loading a swf with LoaderMax SWFLoader.
If you do not set an appropriate <code>estimatedSize</code> for XMLLoaders or
Feb 16, 2011 . private var swfLoader:SWFLoader;. private function onCreationComplete(e:Event
When executing to load an SWF file, I got this error "ReferenceError: Error #1069:
I'm using greensock LoaderMax class for loading of the swf. Edit: I'm getting the
Apr 11, 2011. forum thread about loading fonts from external swfs, although it involves
Jul 20, 2011 . 1) Load the data in using DataLoader in binary mode. . in the context of
CHANGE LOG : GREENSOCK LOADERMAX SYSTEM -----------------------------------
If you want LoaderMax to require this SWFLoader as part of its parent
Flex friendly - Simply change the LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass to
Flex friendly - Simply change the LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass to
Set a width/height for an ImageLoader, SWFLoader, or VideoLoader and . .
2011-02-16 -------------------------------------------- LoaderMax 1.831 SWFLoader
Event; /** * An Event dispatched by one of the loaders in the LoaderMax system.
I'm trying to load the youtube chromeless player using a SWFLoader inside a
Jun 16, 2010 . LoaderMax is a new AS3 loading system that does much more than just .
WarezNET has all things you could want from an underground warez forum: fast
Dec 6, 2010 . loadermax documentation loadermax xml loadermax mp3loader . loadermax
LoaderMax.activate([SWFLoader,LoaderMax,ImageLoader]); var . LoaderMax.
How can I load a swf by using LoaderMax? package . queue = new SWFLoader
SWFLoader Packaged without the use of LoaderMax . // In . swfLoader Loader
Oct 12, 2010 . If, for example, you just want to load a single swf file, there's no need to wrap the
Adjusted SWFLoader so that the swf's native size is what is factored into the
Fixed issue where a completed LoaderMax that was paused after having . of
Apr 15, 2011 . LoaderMax allows you to load many different asset types through it's
public var autoPlay:Boolean; /** By default, a SWFLoader instance will
I pass around a reference to my LoaderMax SWFLoader and all seems to be well
LoaderMax.activate([SWFLoader]); // The next three lines load my SWF and
Nov 22, 2010 . In this post I will show you how to load an external swf's using the SWF Loader
LoaderMax.com) instead of plain Loaders because it helps solve common