May 26, 12
Other articles:
  • prioritize() a loader anytime - Kick an object to the top of all LoaderMax queues to
  • CHILD_PROGRESS, childProgressHandler); //checks the child progress //
  • getLoader("photo1").prioritize(); //start loading queue.load(); function . .. [static]
  • Feb 20, 2012 . //prioritize the loader named “photo1″ LoaderMax.prioritize(“photo1″); //same
  • So anyways, I've heard that people have used Gaia and LoaderMax and have
  • HOME_SLIDE_1 : LoaderMax.prioritize("homeLoader"); IViewComponent(
  • Jun 1, 2011 . //prioritize the loader named "photo1" LoaderMax.prioritize("photo1"); //same as
  • LOADED == false){ // LoaderMax.prioritize(mc2.name) // var pre_mc:Object =
  • Dynamic prioritizing. If the user clicks the "next" or "back" button several times
  • Jun 16, 2010 . If the loader is inserted into a LoaderMax instance (for queue . due to either a
  • I really can´t find that much examples on building galleries with LoaderMax. .
  • This can occur even if the LoaderMax itself isn't in the process of loading (
  • So i think XMLLoader of LoaderMax is the way to go. . prioritized queue and
  • LoaderMax.prioritize("portThumbs"); LoaderMax.prioritize("portDisplay");
  • So i think XMLLoader of LoaderMax is the way to go. . full-size versions in a
  • Dec 22, 2010 . LoaderMax for Flash games: Data loading trialled, tested and taken on . as
  • This can occur even if the LoaderMax itself isn't in the process of loading (
  • API Documentation, All Packages | All Classes | FramesNo . www.agsmovers.com/mailers/2010/. 2010/. /all-index-O.html - CachedVERSION: 0.9 * DATE: 2010-08-09 * AS3 * UPDATES AND . GreenSock.com/LoaderMax/ **/ package com.greensock.loading.data { import . .
  • //prioritize the loader named "photo1" LoaderMax.prioritize("photo1"); //same as
  • . addChild(txt_error); //create a LoaderMax named "mainQueue" and set up .
  • LoaderMax; import com.greensock.loading. . estimatedBytes:5000, container:
  • Jul 11, 2011 . LoaderMax Standard Code - LoaderMax standard routine script. . named "
  • Feb 24, 2012 . <br /><br /> * * You may use the static <code>LoaderMax.prioritize()</code>
  • //create a LoaderMax named "mainQueue" and set up onProgress, . "childClip"
  • <br /><br /> * * You may use the static <code>LoaderMax.prioritize()</code>
  • GreenSock.com/LoaderMax/ **/ package com.greensock.loading.data { import . .
  • Aug 27, 2011 . _card.cardPlaneMaterial.$recipient.$anchor.addChild(_content);. if(_content.
  • If the goal is to load something immediately, you can just use the * load() method.
  • This can occur even if the LoaderMax itself isn't in the process of loading (
  • Hello, can someone tell me, why this code: import com.greensock.loading.
  • This can occur even if the LoaderMax itself isn't in the process of loading (
  • If you do * not plan on using the <code>LoaderMax.parse()</code> method, . . a
  • Oct 18, 2011 . //create a LoaderMax named "mainQueue" and set up onProgress, . named "
  • I really can´t find that much examples on building galleries with LoaderMax. .
  • <br /><br /> * * You may use the static <code>LoaderMax.prioritize()</code>
  • <br /><br /> * * You may use the static <code>LoaderMax.prioritize()</code>
  • Aug 9, 2010 . Prioritize the XML. LoaderMax.prioritize("xmlData"); // Same as LoaderMax.
  • Oct 29, 2010 . Event; /** * An Event dispatched by LoaderMax. * <br /><br . is manually called,
  • LoaderMax is a loading system that can handle swf, mp3, css, video, image, text,
  • Aug 5, 2010 . Prioritize the XML. LoaderMax.prioritize("xmlData"); // Same as LoaderMax.
  • Dynamic prioritizing. If the user clicks the “next” or “back” button several times
  • I really can´t find that much examples on building galleries with LoaderMax. .
  • Dispatched when the loader is canceled while loading which can occur either
  • //create a LoaderMax named "mainQueue" and set up onProgress, . //prioritize
  • Click any thumbnail to prioritize() it in the queue. Use the other controls below to
  • 2010-07-15 ---------------------------------------------- LoaderMax 1.193 . instance to

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