Jun 2, 12
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  • Load Factor meaning , Definition of load factor , what is load . www.definition-of.net/load+factor - Cachedload factor definition | English dictionary for learners | Reverso Collinsload factor meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
  • load factor ( ld faktr ) ( electricity ) The ratio of average electric load to peak load,
  • Facility management article relating to: cooling loads, btu, rooftop cooling units,
  • The calculation of displacements for these loads utilizes a factor greater than 1.0
  • How to Calculate a Load Factor; How to Calculate Damping Factor . However,
  • axial load factor definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
  • Definition of load factor in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of load factor
  • load factor definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
  • I had a read but it still does not define how to specifically calculate load factor. In
  • In the airline industry, the percentage of seats filled by fare-paying passengers (
  • Definition of load factor: Ratio of average energy demand (load) to the maximum
  • Back to Library > 9.9.6Loads and Load Factor Application to Deep Foundation
  • The definition of the load factor is here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/
  • The term 'Load factor' as it applies to the area of reclamation can be defined as '
  • load factor at time of maximum electric-power demand. Browse. Next Word in the
  • To do a good job on an energy audit, the energy auditor must understand the
  • the ratio of average load to capacity; the ratio of average load to peak load in a
  • What is the meaning of 'plant load factor'? In: Electrical Engineering [Edit
  • considered to be enclosed by definition, although there may be large openings in
  • load factor noun - definition, audio pronunciation and more for load factor noun:
  • (Engineering / Electrical Engineering) the ratio of the average electric load to the
  • Example: Load Factor Calculation - Load Factor = kilowatt-hours/hours in period/
  • Load factor may refer to: Load factor (aeronautics), the ratio of the lift of an aircraft
  • The load factor necessary for an airline to break even. It is a function of the
  • A usual method of calculation technical losses in the electric utilities uses two
  • Definition of Load factor with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage,
  • Define load factor. What is load factor? load factor meaning, synonyms and audio
  • noun. the ratio of the average electric load to the peak load over a period of time;
  • Top questions and answers about Load Factor Definition. Find 833 questions
  • load factor definition: Elec. the ratio of average load to greatest load. www.yourdictionary.com/load-factor - Cached - SimilarLoading | Define Loading at Dictionary.comLoading definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • In aeronautics, the load factor is defined as the ratio of the lift of an aircraft to its
  • Some Definitions. Many of the load requirements on aircraft are defined in terms
  • ▶noun the ratio of the average or actual amount of some quantity and the
  • Load factor - Topic:Aviation - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything
  • the amount or weight of cargo, number of passengers, etc., that an aircraft,
  • Answer. "Load Factor" is an indicator of how steady an electrical load is over time
  • (electricity). The ratio of average electric load to peak load, usually calculated
  • Definitions of Load Factor on the Web: The ratio of the average load in kilowatts
  • Definition of Load Factor: Load Factor is a method of calculating total monthly
  • Apr 4, 2008 . So. . what is power factor? Is it the same as Load Factor? The answer is no. See
  • higher the load the more relevant in defining the factor's dimensionality. A
  • load factor. noun. Definition of LOAD FACTOR. : the percentage of available
  • (Engineering / Electrical Engineering) the ratio of the average electric load to the
  • BOMA publishes the definition of rentable and useable area, which is used to . .
  • the ratio of average load to capacity * the ratio of average load to peak load in a
  • is in line with the authorized version on the database. Unique Identifyer. 484-79.
  • Definition of load factor: In structural design, the factor applied to the working load
  • Load Factor definition. It ConfigUsageWin is from time to time required to apply a

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