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Load Factor meaning , Definition of load factor , what is load . www.definition-of.net/load+factor - Cachedload factor definition | English dictionary for learners | Reverso Collinsload factor meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
load factor ( ld faktr ) ( electricity ) The ratio of average electric load to peak load,
Facility management article relating to: cooling loads, btu, rooftop cooling units,
The calculation of displacements for these loads utilizes a factor greater than 1.0
How to Calculate a Load Factor; How to Calculate Damping Factor . However,
axial load factor definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
Definition of load factor in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of load factor
load factor definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
I had a read but it still does not define how to specifically calculate load factor. In
In the airline industry, the percentage of seats filled by fare-paying passengers (
Definition of load factor: Ratio of average energy demand (load) to the maximum
Back to Library > 9.9.6Loads and Load Factor Application to Deep Foundation
The definition of the load factor is here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/
The term 'Load factor' as it applies to the area of reclamation can be defined as '
load factor at time of maximum electric-power demand. Browse. Next Word in the
To do a good job on an energy audit, the energy auditor must understand the
the ratio of average load to capacity; the ratio of average load to peak load in a
What is the meaning of 'plant load factor'? In: Electrical Engineering [Edit
considered to be enclosed by definition, although there may be large openings in
load factor noun - definition, audio pronunciation and more for load factor noun:
(Engineering / Electrical Engineering) the ratio of the average electric load to the
Example: Load Factor Calculation - Load Factor = kilowatt-hours/hours in period/
Load factor may refer to: Load factor (aeronautics), the ratio of the lift of an aircraft
The load factor necessary for an airline to break even. It is a function of the
A usual method of calculation technical losses in the electric utilities uses two
Definition of Load factor with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage,
Define load factor. What is load factor? load factor meaning, synonyms and audio
noun. the ratio of the average electric load to the peak load over a period of time;
Top questions and answers about Load Factor Definition. Find 833 questions
load factor definition: Elec. the ratio of average load to greatest load. www.yourdictionary.com/load-factor - Cached - SimilarLoading | Define Loading at Dictionary.comLoading definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
In aeronautics, the load factor is defined as the ratio of the lift of an aircraft to its
Some Definitions. Many of the load requirements on aircraft are defined in terms
▶noun the ratio of the average or actual amount of some quantity and the
Load factor - Topic:Aviation - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything
the amount or weight of cargo, number of passengers, etc., that an aircraft,
Answer. "Load Factor" is an indicator of how steady an electrical load is over time
(electricity). The ratio of average electric load to peak load, usually calculated
Definitions of Load Factor on the Web: The ratio of the average load in kilowatts
Definition of Load Factor: Load Factor is a method of calculating total monthly
Apr 4, 2008 . So. . what is power factor? Is it the same as Load Factor? The answer is no. See
higher the load the more relevant in defining the factor's dimensionality. A
load factor. noun. Definition of LOAD FACTOR. : the percentage of available
(Engineering / Electrical Engineering) the ratio of the average electric load to the
BOMA publishes the definition of rentable and useable area, which is used to . .
the ratio of average load to capacity * the ratio of average load to peak load in a
is in line with the authorized version on the database. Unique Identifyer. 484-79.
Definition of load factor: In structural design, the factor applied to the working load
Load Factor definition. It ConfigUsageWin is from time to time required to apply a