Other articles:
Explore literary print magazines. While they generally don't pay much, most of
International Directory is of greater use to most poets as it contains the literary
But the truth is that quite a few excellent literary magazines pay "in copies";
. be poetry consumers and subscribe voluntarily to a wide variety of literary
Jan 16, 2002 . On average, commercial magazines simply pay more for first rights, say, $100 to
. primarily from independent presses, literary websites and literary magazines. .
Nov 22, 2011 . Payment varies considerably from a couple of pounds offered by small literary
Literary magazines database, poetry journals, and other creative writing markets,
The sum total of a magazine's potential audience - usually devised by combining
Visit http://www.duotrope.com . It gives addresses, submission guidelines and
Online literary magazines have long been the sad step-sister of print. . Online
Dec 12, 2011 . Courtesy of The Review Review, a rundown of literary magazines that pay their
A listing of links to literary magazines. . A literary journal featuring drawings and
This is a rewrite of our Best Online Literary Magazines list we originally published
A literary magazine that accepts poetry from established and new writers. Open
pays up to $150 for fiction, $75 for poems; awards $500 each to a fiction writer . ..
Paying markets for writers of general fiction, science fiction, fantasy, speculative
Oct 27, 2011 . Best U.S. Cities For Bargain Shopping · Best-Paying Cities For . But this
_Poetry_ pays $10 a line, I believe; _The New Yorker_ pays more. People work
Publishing Directories - Literary Magazines - General .
List of literary magazines and journals with free online content.
Jun 1, 2009 . I really had no idea what people were getting paid for short stories, so I . Matt
(Many literary magazines and journals will pay you for the work they accept,
These magazines and newsletters are publishing the best poetry, cultural . ..
Although there is no pay, literary magazines are good places to seek acceptance;
Sound too good to be true? Keep in mind that literary magazines often offer low
This page is closed to edits. Unfollow. follow. [report abuse]. Can you answer this
A database of current writer's guidelines to help freelance writers find paying
Apr 27, 2010 . A Duotrope search for magazines that accept “literary” fiction brings up over . ..
But if you look into it, you will find that most literary magazines cannot afford to
Top 50 Literary Magazines one of our most popular list of literary magazines. .
Feb 4, 2011 . Ask Midge: Should I pay a reading fee when submitting my work? . The vast
Literary magazines first began to appear in the early part of the 19th century,
1 day ago . Why Write for Literary Magazines? You might not write for the money. Some
I have compiled a list of magazines that buy poetry. Pay rates range from a tiny
Jul 15, 2011 . Literary magazines offer another great outlet. Some even pay for stories. Here's
Jun 26, 2011 . Below is a partial list of literary magazines that pay contributors beyond the
Directions for submitting your work to the nation's 'little' literary magazines. .
Carousel : Hybrid Literature (ON) Print. Founded in 1983. Published semi-
Oct 25, 2011 . A brief note on literary magazines. I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard a
Find Submit Poetry, Writer's Contests and more at Litmags.org. Get the best of
Jul 9, 2007 . 10 online literary magazines that publish great travel writing · 8 in-flight
Looking to start submitting your fiction to literary magazines, but unsure of where
Jun 29, 2009 . Luckily, there are lots of online literary magazines where you can read . . pays (
Explore literary print magazines. While they generally don't pay much, most of
Dec 14, 2011 . By Becky Tuch. Yeah, yeah, we all know that we're not in this writing profession
Literary magazines and journals including fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction -
Mar 21, 2007 . These literary magazines accept fiction from writers of all experience levels, and
Apr 28, 2010. contributors, pay rates and awards (especially Perpetual Folly's very helpful
Read literary journals and magazines geared toward writers. . The standard