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www.glassliterary.com/aboutCachedSimilarGlass Literary Management is a full-service literary agency designed to take a .
www.mcbrideliterary.com/CachedSimilarSouthern California Literary Agency in business over 35 years. . She worked in
awfulagent.com/CachedSimilarNov 17, 2016 . The world's leading literary agency for fantasy and science fiction. . NBC held an
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theunteragency.com/CachedThe Unter Agency in a literary Agency located in New York City, directed by
www.baldibooks.com/CachedSimilar. Malaga Baldi, literary agent and owner of the Baldi Agency in New York City. .
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www.prospectagency.com/zoo.htmlCachedSimilarAfter spending a year at law school, the lure of fiction was just too strong. She
ethanellenberg.com/CachedSimilarThe Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency was established in 1984 by Ethan
www.lmqlit.com/about.htmlCachedSimilarIn 2012, LMQ acquired the venerable literary agency Russell & Volkening, Inc. .
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www.emmasweeneyagency.com/CachedSimilar. LLC was formed in 2006 and is a boutique literary agency based in New York
https://www.irenegoodman.com/about.phpCachedIrene began the agency in the loft of a tiny walkup apartment in New York's Upper
www.writersdigest.com/. literary-agents/x-literary-agents-seeking-literary- fiction-nowCachedJul 12, 2016 . Caryn Karmatz Rudy (DeFiore and Company) Amaryah Orenstein (Go Lit) Steve Kasdin (Curtis Brown) Stacy Testa (Writers House) Alison Fargis (Stonesong) Robin Mizell (Robin Mizell Ltd.) Elise Capron (Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency) Shannon Hassan (Marsal Lyon Literary)
www.irenegoodman.com/CachedSimilarIrene Goodman Literary Agency, book agents based in New York City. . and
lgrliterary.com/CachedSimilarRepresents a variety of genres, fiction and non-fiction. Offices in New York and
www.nyliterary.com/CachedSimilar350 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2003 - New York, NY 10001 - 212.239.2861 © 2015
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www.vickybijuragency.com/CachedSimilarNew York Times bestselling author Lisa Black is the author of seven novels in the
knightagency.net/CachedSimilarThe Knight Agency is a world-renowned literary agency that has guided . well
www.elizabethkaplanlit.com/CachedLaunched in 2002, the Elizabeth Kaplan Literary Agency is a full service boutique
goldinlit.com/CachedSimilarThe Frances Goldin Literary Agency is one of New York's premier boutique .
skagency.com/about-the-agency/CachedSimilarThe Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency is an independent New York literary
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signaturelit.com/CachedSimilarWe represent narrative non-fiction, including history, current events, science,
www.aaronpriest.com/CachedSimilarOfficial site for The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency, located in New York, NY. .
brandthochman.com/agentsCachedSimilarGail has taught a class in the role of the literary agent at NYU School of
www.victoriasanders.com/aboutCachedSimilarMultiple New York Times bestselling author and journalist Denene Millner. .
inkwellmanagement.com/about/CachedSimilarInkWell is one of the world's leading literary agencies, proudly representing major
www.tridentmediagroup.com/CachedSimilarContact the leading literary agency in New York City now! . Most diverse group
www.upstartcrowliterary.com/about/CachedSimilar. we think, typical of the response of the old guard toward any new talent. . Ted
www.waxmanleavell.com/CachedSimilarNew Releases. Book Cover: Journey's End · Journey's End · Book Cover: Iron
www.writersdigest.com/editor. literary-agents/literary-fiction-agentsCachedSimilarA growing list of literary agents who represent literary fiction novels and stories.
www.dgliterary.com/CachedSimilarWelcome to the website of the Doug Grad Literary Agency, Inc. The agency
www.pw.org/literary_agents?perpage=*CachedSimilarFind literary agents who represent poetry, fiction, and creative .
maassagency.com/CachedSimilarThe Donald Maass Literary Agency is a literary agency for professional novelists.
www.mcintoshandotis.com/CachedA full-service literary agency in New York representing works of fiction and non-
www.wmclark.com/CachedSimilarLiterary agent to international publishing, film, and new media fields,
https://janefriedman.com/find-literary-agent/CachedSimilarApr 29, 2015 . A step-by-step guide to finding literary agents, plus how to select the right .
www.gelfmanschneider.com/about-us.htmlCachedSimilarThe Gelfman Schneider Literary Agency / ICM has established a thirty year
www.talbotfortuneagency.com/CachedSimilarAt the Talbot Fortune Agency our authors receive full-service literary . Our clients
www.tessleragency.com/CachedSimilarTessler Literary Agency, a New York-based literary agency serving writers of
www.tridentmediagroup.com/agents/john-silbersackCachedSimilarWhen John joined Trident, the literary agency had just started. . group of writers
www.jenniferlyonsliteraryagency.com/who.htmlCachedSimilarLyons & Pande International, LLC is a literary agency based in New York City. .
www.waverlyplaceliterary.com/CachedSimilarLabels: biography, children's fiction, historical fiction, literary fiction, memoir,
www.lorettabarrettbooks.com/CachedSimilarRepresenting fiction and non-fiction authors in the adult general trade market.