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Feb 16, 2012 . The German adult literacy rate is 99.9%. However, A recent report by the German
The main language spoken is German, but English is also widely understood.
. visitors' (which included many Germans) astonishment at the high rate of
Literacy Rates of the World - statistics and charts as map, diagram and table.
Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can, with
Industrialisation and urbanisation during the course of the 19th century resulted
examination of the taboo topic of illiteracy in Germany. 1.1 Definitions . .
Information on Germany — map of Germany, geography, history, politics,
An interactive map of the world showing statistics by country: Literacy rate. .
Languages: However, the German taught in school and used in the media is
Nov 4, 2011 . Probably very good. German fairy tales are horrifying and strike fear into children
Germany General Information Geography Government Economy Population .
Feb 13, 2012 . Germany thrives in industry and manufacturing and is a major exporter of .
Sort the Nations of the World by Female Literacy Rate in an interactive table. .
The literacy rate in Germany is officially pegged at 99%, where literacy is defined
List of countries by literacy rate, as included in the United Nations Development
Total adult literacy rate (%), 2005-2010*. –. Primary school net enrolment ratio (%
1 Japan 99.9 1 United Kingdom 99.9 1 Germany 99.9 1 France 99.9 55 United
Germany, as with several other countries worldwide, does not use polling data to
What is the literacy rate in Germany, a country in the continent of Europe ? The
Between 1875 and 1881, the literacy rate for German recruits was 98 percent. For
German. Total Expenditure on Education as % of GNP. 4.6. Total Youth Literacy
Nov 24, 2002 . Germany had the world's finest elementary school system, the highest literacy
Results 1 - 10 . Askville's similar question page contains questions, answers and people
German. Total Expenditure on Education as % of GNP. 4.6. Total Youth Literacy
What is the literacy rate of Germany? The figure is usually given as 99% +. What
Education and Literacy: The literacy rate in Germany is officially pegged at 99
Germany is a country with great people, with a steady population and growth rate
Average Annual Population Growth Rate, 1980-2000. Total. 0.2%. 0.2% .
Education fell under the purview of Germany's federal states. Therefore reliable .
Sep 1, 2011 . Cultures of Europe By Amber Hurst Literacy Rate, Language, Customs and
Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 who can, with
Facts and statistics about the Literacy of Germany. . Unless otherwise specified,
Top questions and answers about Germany Literacy Rate. Find 1891 questions
Top questions and answers about Literacy Rate of Germany. Find 1510
What is the literacy rate in Germany? age 15 and over can read and writetotal
What is literacy rate of male in japan? 99%. What is the literacy rate of Germany?
People stats. Women->-Adult-literacy-rate-females-as-a-%-of-males includes
rate of urbanization: 0% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.) . Literacy.
The Literacy rate (percent of population that can read and write) in Germany is 99
Germany is a moderately sized nation (in terms of population). It has a population
There are no universal definitions and standards of literacy. Unless otherwise
Primary completion rate; female (% of relevant age group) in Germany, 103.1 .
The literacy rate in Germany is 99%. This is consistent with most other Western
Problems with the Education System. Germany is a nation that prides itself on its
By 1850 Prussia's literacy rate — not unrepresentative of that of the rest of the
'Ibid., p. 190. The literacy rate in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century must
Germany and Americas Literacy Rate. Page history last edited by Austin Tate 1
Top questions and answers about What Is the Literacy Rate in Germany. Find
Jan 12, 2012 . The Alliance entered Germany in 1975; ministries to internationals . Inflation--