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What information can/cannot be shared on the listserv? . Click here to
There are two ways to sign up for the UNC AAUP listserv: Log on to http://listserv.
Dec 3, 2009 . Students should start using third-party listservs like Yahoo or Google Groups
The Society of North Carolina Archivists maintains an e-mail listserv for
Click here to unsubscribe, or email mwtiger@sog.unc.edu with "unsubscribe
Please send any corrections or additions to elharo@metalab.unc.edu; When you
May 2, 2011 . HOME > help > listserves. ON THIS PAGE: . Detailed instructions on how to
To create a new listserv, go to: http://www.helpcenter.uncc.edu/Email/listserv.html
Listservs. Duke film listserv. Primarily used to advertise film events at Duke.
Apr 8, 2011 . Download Department Listservs doc documents from http://www.med.unc.edu/ahs/for-
To subscribe to the AdForum, send an email message to: listserv@unc.edu with
To unsubscribe, send a message saying "unsubscribe prices" to lyris@listserv.
Membership in NCAIE and its Listserv are free and open to all persons involved
Click here to unsubscribe, or email eskaf@sog.unc.edu with "unsubscribe
Dec 2, 2009 . Some problems with UNC's listserv system can't be fixed — like the widespread
To subscribe to the selected listservs below, send an e-mail message to the .
Complete the form below and submit it to the Help Center to request the creation
. the SILS community: sils-announce@listserv.unc.edu - a list for everyone: staff,
It is used by the GSA to distribute information to the graduate students at UNC
Share information via the listserv by sending email messages to: UNC-RM@
list of all division and section discussion and instructions.
The UNC Charlotte MPA Program operates listservs for current students and
The School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina. Content: Clinical
There is an ADCIRC listserv that may be useful to keep up-to-date about the
Welcome to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill List Server. If you
The listserv is produced by NC Pride. To subscribe, send an email to: local-
Jun 29, 2011 . Eastlib, the Listserv for East Asian Librarians . an email message and put the
Facebook. The Consortium in Latin American & Caribbean Studies invites you to
Nov 19, 1998 . List commands: listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu. POR: Public opinion research
Sep 18, 2011 . So where are these listservs, sites, and organizations? The following is a list of
Sep 26, 2010 . 9/29 Meeting Listserv. New Supplies! Open-Studio Session The UAA's $755.19
Home > People & Communities > Listservs > CUE Photographers: North
May 19, 2009 . Messages sent to the list are redistributed to subscribers of the list. A particular
administration. It was determined that we would have several listservs. UNC will
Click here to unsubscribe, or email thornburg@sog.unc.edu with "unsubscribe
The School of Government manages a number of listservs .
Nov 17, 2011 . A new listserv has been created for administrative and executive assistants.
Sign UpWhy do replies to some UNC listservs go to the whole listserv? is on
News Librarians mailing list. To: listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu subscribe
permaculture mailing lists: 1)permaculture@listserv.oit.unc.edu (this one will
eliminates, the need for sending e-mail to all faculty, classified, exempt and
These listservs are maintained through the School of Government at the
The UNC School of Government's Environmental Finance Center is hosting two
Subscribe to the UNCG Budget Information Listserv. The purpose of this listserv
The Love2Learn listserv for Extended Studies Students (which includes UNC
UNC School of Government's Environmental Finance Center is hosting 2 new
Sep 29, 2011 . The Institute sponsors the email listservs listed below to facilitate communication
North Carolina State University Website Quicklinks Navigation & Search: . We
Results 1 - 22 . ftp://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/MIRRORS/metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/mail/
Listservs vary with regard to the kinds of commands you will need to send in