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We are a directory listing the phenomenon that is plz accounts. :D Members-
Jun 8, 2009 . This is -NOT- a master list. Here are only -MY- favorite icons listed] To post these
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Mar 8, 2012 . Get Deviantart plz icons list information , deviantART Plz Directory , deviantART
Dec 9, 2008 . A plz is an inactive deviantart account used solely for its icon. They came about
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Apr 16, 2011 . Plz accounts are made because DeviantART forbids image macros in their
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We provide a resourceful list of the PLZ accounts on DA. These lists have been
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Aug 27, 2010 . About A PLZ account is a regular DeviantART account which was created .
Those BIG emoticons aren't actually emotions on deviantArt. They are "plz"
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Nov 2, 2008 . Please watch this space for updates! How to Use plz Accounts For any account
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Member: I am a Deviously Deviant; icon-list: Female/Lithuania; Why I Am Here:
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Example Plz account name fyi-plz use :.iconfyi-plz: to display the Plz icon ~icon-
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Sep 10, 2010 . :iconjdrainville: Please check out these PLZ sites: :iconplz-whoswho: :iconicon-
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