Other articles:
In my case, on the TSE server, I set the service "License service" to start
Aug 17, 2005 . EventID: 213. Source: LicenseService. Description: "Replication of license
Solution by Eagle117. Mon Aug 15 16:21:22 -0400 2005. Direct from the
Event Id, 213. Source, LicenseService. Description, Replication of license
I noticed that at 15minutes intervals, one of the dc which holds most of the fsmo
Description: Replication of license information failed because the. Additional
Event ID: 213 Source: LicenseService. . <domain controller name> could not be
How To Fix Event Id 213 Licenseservice. . It's quite easy to stop an Event Id
23 сен 2008 . Тип события: Предупреждение Источник события: LicenseService. Категория события:
replica license information has failed trying to reach license services registry
One of my DC's (let's call it DC1) runs the License Logging service. Some of my
Avertissement 14112006 17:10:22 LicenseService Aucun 213 NA ABCDESERV0102. 2 1
Event ID 213, License Service Event Type: Warning Event Source:
I'm getting a License Server event 213 on one of my servers indicating that it
LicenseService EventID 213, Windows Server Help, Windows 2000 // 2003,
Nov 21, 2004 . Source : LicenseService. EventID : 213. Description : Replication of license
EventID: 213 LicenseService. November 3, 2008 Leave a Comment. Het kan zijn
Solution for Event ID 213 Source LicenseService Type Warning Description
Hi, I recently removed a domain controller which was the licensing server for
Hi All, I keep receiving the LicenseService errorcode 203 in my report every .
May 30, 2008 . This is the discussion thread for the Knowledge Base Entry 226. Eventlog Type:
The only warning realted to Backup Exec is #213 - license service Event Type:
LicenseService Warning Posted: May 15, 2009 7:41 AM . We get errors ID 202 and
How to repair a Event Id 213 Licenseservice error.
IT Best Practices, How-tos, Product Reviews, discussions, articles for IT
LicenseService. Event submitted by Eagle117. Replication of license information
Mar 1, 2007 . Event ID: 213. Source: LicenseService. Type: Warning Description: Replication of
I've checked the services and verififed that the license service is started. The
replica license information has failed trying to reach license services registry
Event ID: 213. Source: LicenseService. Type: Warning Category: None
May 21, 2003 . Event ID: 213. Source: LicenseService. Type: Warning Description: Replication of
I have a Small Business Server (Win 2003SBS) acting as a Domain Controller and
Hi, I recently removed a domain controller which was the licensing server for
Sep 20, 2011 . Application Warning ID: 213 Source: LicenseService. Symptoms: After you demote
this past weekend i transferred the DC role from one win server 2k to another win
Dec 18, 2005 . controller before removing the server. . I keep getting the following EvenitID
The 2000 (SP4+) Servers are all reporting a LicenseService 213 event:
Hi, I recently removed a domain controller which was the licensing server for
this past weekend i transferred the DC role from one win server 2k to another win
I went to the DC and Start the license service, but the problem continue every day
I am continually warned about the following on my domain controller: Replication
Event ID:213. Source: License Service" This comes up every 10 minutes or so
Jun 11, 2007 . unable to contact license service . Event Source: LicenseService Event
Getting this error in Event log: The description for Event ID ( 213 ) in Source (
213 licenseservice. Replication of license information failed because the License
The license service may be able to succeed later in writing the file. If not . 213
LicenseService EventID 213, Steven Bellamy. Re: LicenseService EventID 213,
After this process I started to receive many 213 error messages like the one
Jun 15, 2006 . The 2000 (SP4+) Servers are all reporting a LicenseService 213 event:
Event ID: 213 Source: LicenseService Type: Warning Description: Replication of