May 8, 14
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  • books.google.com/books/about/The_Whites_of_Their_Eyes.html?id. ‎Similar  Rating: 3.5 - 30 reviewsBehind the Tea Party's Revolution, she argues, lies a nostalgic and even
  • www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130152859‎SimilarSep 27, 2010 . Tea Party supporters at a march in Washington on Sept. . . Many people who are
  • www.49thparallel.bham.ac.uk/back/issue25/Cutterham_review.pdf‎CachedSimilarWe need more time yet to tell how central the Tea Party's role was and will be in
  • www.goodreads.com/book/show/8907635-the-whites-of-their-eyes‎CachedSimilar  Rating: 3.7 - 418 votesSep 20, 2010 . I read this short book expecting a systematic takedown of Tea Party revisionist
  • muse.jhu.edu/journals/historically_speaking/summary/. /12.2.stephens.html‎SimilarAfter a year of watching the Tea Party emerge, I decided I wanted to find out more
  • www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2011/jan/. /no-thanks-memories/‎CachedSimilarJan 13, 2011 . The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle Over
  • williamhogeland.wordpress.com/. /gordon-wood-jill-lepore-and-the-tea- party/‎CachedSimilarDec 31, 2010 . Gordon Wood's review, in the latest New York Review of Books, of Jill Lepore's
  • www.arizonalawreview.org/pdf/53-3/53arizlrev827.pdf‎CachedSimilarThe Tea Party movement presents something of a curiosity for constitutional .
  • www.foreignaffairs.com/. lepore/the-whites-of-their-eyes-the-tea-partys- revolution-and-the-battl‎SimilarBut Lepore's point -- that liberals really love and understand their country, while
  • www.thedailybeast.com/. /jill-lepore-a-personal-tea-party-history.html‎CachedSimilarOct 5, 2010 . When historian Jill Lepore stumbled on a letter from John Adams about the . I
  • https://networks.h-net.org/. /bernstein-lepore-whites-their-eyes-tea-partys- revolution-and-battle‎CachedJill Lepore. The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle
  • factsandotherstubbornthings.blogspot.com/. /wood-on-lepore-and-tea-partys -take-on.html‎CachedJan 11, 2011 . Lepore's argument, as I understand it, is simply that the Tea Party
  • mises.org/daily/5107/Is-the-Tea-Partys-Revolution-Serious‎CachedMar 18, 2011 . The problem with the tea partiers is that their version of history is not . of the
  • harvardpolitics.com/books-arts/history-through-whose-eyes/‎CachedSimilarDec 3, 2010 . The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle over
  • www.wweek.com/. /article-12612-jill_lepore_the_whites_of_their_eyes.html‎CachedSimilarOct 20, 2010 . When Sean Hannity, for instance, extols the piety of Thomas Paine at a tea party
  • books.google.com/books/about/The_Whites_of_Their_Eyes.html?id.   Rating: 3.5 - 30 reviewsLepore traces the roots of the far right's reactionary history to the bicentennial in
  • legalhistoryblog.blogspot.com/. /bernstein-reviews-lepore-on-tea-party.html‎CachedOct 28, 2010 . To her credit, in her new book The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's
  • americanpowerblog.blogspot.com/. /harvards-jill-lepore-ties-jared.html‎CachedJan 14, 2011 . It turns out that Lepore spoke at a panel discussion on the "Tea Party" at the 2010
  • harvardmagazine.com/2010/10/jill-lepore-tea-party‎CachedSimilarOct 29, 2010 . Harvard historian Jill Lepore puts the modern day Tea Party movement into
  • ttbook.net/book/jill-lepore-tea-party-founding-fathers‎CachedJill Lepore teaches American history at Harvard and writes for "The New Yorker."
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Lepore‎CachedSimilarJill Lepore (born 1966) is a professor of American history at Harvard University .
  • radioboston.wbur.org/2010/09/29/tea-party-4‎CachedSimilarSep 29, 2010 . Historian Jill Lepore says says the bold 18th century act of throwing tea
  • www.hnn.us/article/132329‎CachedJill Lepore is the David Woods Kemper '41 Professor of American history at .
  • thomasmcaffee.com/. /tea-party/jill-lepores-book-the-tea-party-and- originalism/‎CachedJan 23, 2011 . Jill Lepore, author of The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and
  • www.barnesandnoble.com/w/whites-of. lepore/1100318550?ean. ‎Cached  Rating: 3.5 - 35 votesIn a new afterword, Lepore addresses both the recent shift in Tea Party rhetoric
  • www.huffingtonpost.com/. /jill-lepore-on-the-tea-party_b_872074.html‎CachedSimilarJun 11, 2011 . In a rare moment when Lepore adduces a cause of the Tea Party movement, she
  • scholar.harvard.edu/jlepore/. /whites-their-eyes-tea-party’s-revolution-and- battle-over-american-history‎CachedSimilarLepore, J. 2010. The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the
  • perspectivesofthepast.com/. /the-whites-of-their-eyes-the-tea-partys- revolution-and-the-battle-over-american-history-by-jill-lepore/‎CachedThis is a review of Lepore's work in which she examines the current Tea Party's
  • www.philipvickersfithian.com/. /jill-lepores-new-tea-party-book.html‎CachedJul 26, 2010 . Jill Lepore, the Harvard historian and prolific writer, has just churned out a new
  • radioopensource.org/jill-lepore-tea-party-time-and-the-death-of-compassion/‎CachedSimilarOct 14, 2010 . There's more religion than politics in the 2010 Tea Party, Jill Lepore is saying.
  • www.intrepidreport.com/archives/12165‎CachedSimilarFeb 14, 2014 . The Whites of their Eyes The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle over American
  • www.rightwingnews.com/. /jill-lepore-tucson-constitution-worship/‎Cached. 'Constitution Worship'. Written By : Donald Douglas January 14, 2011. See, “
  • scholar.harvard.edu/jlepore/. /jill-lepore-tea-party-and-battle-over-american- history‎CachedSimilarLepore visited Seattle in October, 2010, to talk about her book "The Whites of
  • moreintelligentlife.com/blog/molly-young/crashing-tea-party‎Cached"A nation born in revolution will always eye its history warily, and with anxiety,"
  • www.booktv.org/. /Panel+on+the+Tea+Party+Dick+Armey+quotGive+Us+ Liberty+A+Tea+Party+Manifestoquot+Kate+Zernike+quotBoiling+. ‎CachedKate Zernike, "Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America," and Jill Lepore, "The
  • www.law.northwestern.edu/LAWREVIEW/Colloquy/2011/11/‎CachedSimilar[10] As Harvard historian Jill Lepore has declared, the Tea Party's depiction of
  • www.amazon.com/dp/0691150273‎CachedSimilarThe Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle over
  • chronicle.com/blogs/innovations/tea-party-derangement. /27673‎CachedSimilarOct 22, 2010 . Those members of the audience assumed the Tea Party candidate was .
  • www.thecrimson.com/article/2011/2/15/history-lepore-writing-tea/‎CachedFeb 15, 2011 . But Lepore—academic, journalist, and novelist—managed to dispel that .
  • longform.org/writers/jill-lepore‎CachedSimilarJill Lepore. 11 articles. Avatar_57x57. The Prism . The city of Boston, the Tea
  • www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/. /the_party_of_antihistory/‎SimilarOct 31, 2010 . The Tea Party movement is too diverse (and too rowdy) to be easily . Harvard
  • s-usih.org/2011/01/wood-on-lepore-on-presentism-or-why.html‎CachedSimilarJan 11, 2011 . He never quite admits that the Tea Party's history is bad, or that their stance . ..
  • www.newstatesman.com/books/2010/11/tea-party-revolution-lepore‎CachedSimilarNov 18, 2010 . This is the argument of Lepore's gripping, persuasive, higgledy-piggledy, and
  • stevereads.com/. /jill-lepore-the-whites-of-their-eyes-the-tea-partys- revolution-and-the-battle-over-american-history/‎CachedSimilarOct 12, 2010 . (Attention conservation notice: just about 1100 words, plus some block quotes,
  • www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/05/03/100503fa_fact_lepore?. all‎Similarby Jill Lepore May 3, 2010 . The Tea Party has roots in a battle that began
  • press.princeton.edu/titles/9553.html‎CachedSimilarDescription of the book The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and
  • www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/. /AR2010092402257.html‎SimilarSep 26, 2010 . Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer Jill Lepore takes a jaundiced view

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