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American English synonyms for legit, related words for legit and other words for
Thesaurus for legitly. Synonyms, antonyms, and related words for legitly . "That
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Answer of: What does legit mean in Hindi? legit meaning in Hindi, English
Dictionary for legit : legit Definition,legit Synonyms,legit Thesaurus,legit
legit adjective - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for legit
Urban Dictionary: legitlyused by idiots as the full word based on the abbreviation '
TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus is a complete dictionary and
Thesaurus matches for legit: Find synonyms of the English word legit at
Legit Meaning: Meaning, definition, sample sentence of Legit from dictionary,
Find synonyms for legit in Roget's Thesaurus on Yahoo! Education.education.yahoo.com/reference/thesaurus/entry/legit - Cachedlegit Definition - The Online Slang DictionaryThis Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of legit is. The slang
Definition of legit from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
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Oct 22, 2011 . 2 legit 2 quit: MC Hammer launches search engine WireDoo . MC Hammer's
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Define legit. What is legit? legit meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. .
Comprehensive list of synonyms for legit, related words for legit and other words
(Performing Arts / Theatre) legitimate or professionally respectable drama.
legit. Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence. Legit is slang for legitimate and
AskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search
Legit/Determinavit/Revisavit input forms rebuilt. . It starts the process of reading
Synonym of Too legit to quit: Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia Too
used by idiots as the full word based on the abbreviation 'legit'. these people are
meet - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. . English
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I checked him out, he's legit. , What is the point of going legit and getting married
Mar 1, 2012 . RECOMMENDED** | Word Power - The Copywriters Thesaurus REVIEW | SCAM
thesaurus for legit: awesome cool . Incorrect forms of this word are often used,
Synonyms for legit. Other words for legit. Different words for legit. Antonyms of
Synonyms for veritable at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, . for real,
(That one's trademarked) And if you get really good at it, you can sound all
4 hours ago . Is points2shop.com legit? I just signed up and I don't want to waste my time on it.
. (2 words total). The slang words in this thesaurus category appear below the
Synonyms for legal, on the free online English thesaurus/synonym finder with .
Words that rhyme with legit. . legit. One- and two-syllable End Rhymes of legit:
permitted by law <the barbershop, which appears to be a legit operation, is
Legit definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary . . dinkum (Austral
The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is
Synonyms for legit at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Synonyms for licit at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, . fair,
Wordsmyth. The Premier Educational Dictionary - Thesaurus. Free online
Synonyms for legitimate at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, . factual,
legit adj. Slang Legitimate. . H. Howard This dough isn't strictly legit (1973). .
Search Thesaurus or . permitted, admissible, authorizedlegitimate, proper, right,
rightful rightful Definition, Dictionary, Synonyms, Origin, Thesaurus, Examples ,
Feb 13, 2012 . "legit" definition: in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or
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