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My LC9 is now 3 months old. Today I put 120 rounds down range with zero
A quick Google search revealed that this is a well documented problem. My LC9
Videos related to Ruger lc9 problems failure to fire problem solved. Ruger LC9
I have had my lc9 now for several months and have shot right at 500 rounds with
A few weeks back I purchased a Ruger LC9. I kept looking at these little guns and
Purchased my LC9 several months ago. Have had it to the range twice. First
Sold my LC9 (the cash went towards an XD40sc). I had purchased the LC9 new
after about 200 to 250 rounds my main spring came disconnected. i really trust
Jul 13, 2011 . Ruger LC9 problems, light firing pin strikes and failure to fire. Ruger will fix this. .tube.7s-b.com/. /Ruger-LC9-Problems-Failure-to-Fire-Problem-Solved.html - CachedRuger LC9 – A New Pocket Pistol in 9mmJan 3, 2011 . purchased a new Ruger LC9 and immediately had problems with brass shavings
May 18, 2012 . Looking into LC9. .any problems? I like the feel and the fit better than the SR9c,
I have put over 500 rounds thru my LC9 without a single glitch. The only problem
Has a guy out in the range yesterday shooting an LC9, kept having light strikes.
Dec 19, 2011 . I purchased an LCP last year for a light pocket gun, but well after the 200 round
OK, the gun is back from Ruger. Here's what was wrong with it (recall the
I have also read where the Taurus Slim has had their problems also, but . Slim
I have yet to fire my new/used LC9, I was wondering if ruger fixed these problems
Ruger LC9 Problems - Failure to Fire Problem Solved. Kahr PM9 vs Ruger LC9 -
Hey guys my friend and i was shooting our rugers today he has a Lc9 and he
Mar 16, 2011 . Coming from a service issued weapon Beretta 92fs with decocker the safety on
Was it the LC9 or the LCP? The LCP has been plagued with feeding problems,
Tried to take down my LC9 tonight. The "Take Down Plate" that holds the pin in
punkndisorderly wrote: I shot a buddies new lc9 yesterday. He was having light
I have a student that has an LC9 that just does not function as it should. Drops
I just got my LC9 this Saturday, and immediately went out to shoot it. right away I
Page 4 - Ruger Forum LC9 Problems - Handgun Forum The Michael Bane Blog:
Feb 16, 2011 . I was going to buy a Kimber Solo, but heard its been having jam/feed problems,
the comments regarding the ruger lc9 extractor & extractor spring problems have
Is this a known problem for all LC9's or a specific batch? Or just yours? I would
Common Hitachi Projector Lamp for PJ-LC9 problems. Get solutions, tips and
Apr 7, 2011 . Just got my LC9 about a week or so ago. Took it to the range two days ago, first
6 days ago . Hey Deadbolt, please consider getting your LC9 serial number on our LC9
Jun 6, 2011 . I have owned my new LC9 for 2 months now, and baan having problems with the
Only other issue so far has been the LC9/Crossbreed combination. There have
AHenshaw's new Ruger LC9 on both trips after it's first range trip has been very
I dont have an lc9. Some friends have a lcp. One of them had feeding issues until
Mar 12, 2012 . The LC9 is Rugers newest entry into the pocket pistol 9mm market. With specs
Like I said in the subject line, do you have a problem with the chamber loaded
Shot the new LC9 for the first time. cliffs: VERY accurate for a mouse gun. Trigger
On another forum several people posted that their LC9's had blown the extractor
The LC9 is similar to the LCP .380, just and inch longer and taller. If she has
Ruger LC9 Problems – Each gun has its issues. The PF9 had a cracked slide. I
Apr 12, 2012 . Tags: Education, firearmpatriot, Kel Tec, kel-tec pf-9, lc9, LC9 Review, PF9,
Look back at its history. It had its share of problems early on. I'm betting that the
It appears Ruger has done it again, this time with its LC9 going against the Kel-
I went to the range with a guy and his new LC9 that he had just bought this