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Apr 13, 2009 . Don also worked on Lakeland Boating's “Lake Ontario and the 1000 Islands
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Was looking on Amazon at "Lakeland Boating's Lakes Erie and St. Clair Ports `O
This page has been added at the request of some of the . janandbillhaueisen.com/Interlude/Guides%20&%20Charts.htm - Cached - SimilarKathryn Swartz | LinkedInManaged production of Lakeland Boating's Ports o' Call Cruising Guide, a travel
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Complete Cruising Guide for Lake Michigan--- Coverage of every port on Lake
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View port updates, port details, links of interest, and message board. Complete
Ports O'Call - Lake Erie. Lakeland Boating magazine, your guide to the Great
Mar 2, 2012 . Lakeland Boating Ports O' Call Lake Huron, Georgian Bay & the North Channel (
A: Lakeland Boating magazine has been the voice of the Sweetwater Seas for .
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Subscribe to Lakeland Boating Magazine. or call us at 800-827-0289 . POSH is
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July 31, 2000. By Matt Stehouwer. Format:Spiral-bound. A great guide for boating
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Ports O'Call - Lake Erie. Lakeland Boating magazine, your guide to the Great
Lakeland Boating's Lake Huron Ports O' Call has a wonderful overall chart that
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Along with charts (see below), the best way to stay safe and happy while boating
Lakeland Boating magazine has been the voice of the Sweetwater Seas for . to
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Lakeland Boating magazine, your guide to the Great Lakes, has compiled the
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I had no problems finding spots all the way to the Gaspe on the St Lawrence.
Guides have four-color aerial shots of each harbor with waypoints and a
The publisher's of Lakeland Boating Magazine and Great Lakes Angler
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Lakeland Boating's Ports O' Call books remain the most comprehensive full-color
Lakeland Boating Ports O' Call Cruising Guide: Superior . Guides have four-color
Jan 28, 2003 . Available in: Other Format. FREE SHIPPING on orders of $25 or more. Lakeland
Great Lakes Ports O' Call is created and produced by Video Images, Inc., of Ann
From the publisher's of Lakeland Boating Magazine and Great Lakes Angler