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Lackadaisy meaning , Definition of lackadaisy , meaning of lackadaisy ,
Aug 20, 2011 . lackadaisical, this page shows the meaning of lackadaisical, also the definition of
lackadaisical: Etymology: From the archaic interjection lackaday, lackadaisy. 1. (
Lackadaisical Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
lackadaisical definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
lackadaisical - Urdu meanings of word lackadaisical . English to Urdu dictionary
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of lackadaisical and a memory aid (called
Definition of lackadaisical in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of lackadaisical.
meaning of lackadaisical - lacking spirit or liveliness.
lackadaisical meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'lack','
Lackadaisical definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
The end result is the modern form “lackadaisical,” which conveys a lack of
Telugu Meaning of Lackadaisical, Free Telugu Dictionary Online | 'Telugu to
Hi, is "cba" used for expressing a lackadaisical meaning? ^^ it means: i Cant Be
What is a lackadaisical, definition of lackadaisical, meaning of lackadaisical,
Tamil Meaning of Lackadaisical, Free Tamil Dictionary Online | 'Tamil to English'
lackadaisical: Definition and Pronunciation. . 1. without interest, vigor, or
Carefree and happy .
Lackadaisical meaning , Definition of lackadaisical , meaning of lackadaisical ,
A confession: I have no idea what 'lackadaisical' means. I put it just because it
Lackadaisical Meaning and Definition. (a.) Affectedly pensive; languidly
You are lackadaisical in studies if you do not show proper interest in studies. A
Lackadaisical means that someone is not interested and is lacking life. Skinny
Definition of lackadaisical : Find 1 dictionary definition of the English word
Englishmalayalam.com - the largest and most trusted free online english
Lackadaisically Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
LACKADAISICAL: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation,
Definition of lackadaisical in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
Tamil Meaning of Lackadaisical - lackadaisical Meaning - Free English to Tamil
Lackadaisical - the meaning and origin of this saying.
Answer of: what is meaning of LACKADAISICAL in Hindi? LACKADAISICAL का
Answer of: What does lackadaisical mean in Hindi? lackadaisical meaning in
Meaning #2: idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way http://www.answers.com/
A sentence using the word lackadaisical; meaning without interest, listless, or
Looking for the meaning or definition of the word lackadaisical? Here are some
discuss this word. Meaning of lackadaisical (adjective) listless. What does
In Play: Lackadaisical implies a slowness brought on by indifference: "Mortimer,
English To Urdu Dictionary: find lackadaisical's meaning in urdu, arabic, hindi,
lackadaisical , فکر مند , fikar mand. . Meaning and translation of lackadaisical in
For a list of words related to lackadaisical, see: Inert, Lazy, Tired, or . See
Lackadaisical a. : Affectedly pensive; languidly sentimental. Example: I'm a very
Choices (A) and (C) can be eliminated because they share the same wrong
[adjective] idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way; "she was annoyingly
lackadaisical. lack·a·dai·si·cal. adj \ˌla-kə-ˈdā-zi-kəl\. Definition of
lackadaisical. a. Affectedly pensive; languidly sentimental; dreamy. Lacking spirit
"Meaning" is the underlying fact, message, or definition of communicated terms. It
lackadaisical: Definition and Pronunciation. . 1. without interest, vigor, or
lackadaisical - Definition of lackadaisical. Find the meaning of lackadaisical.
Lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest; languid: There'll be no time to correct
Definition of lackadaisically in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of