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Keywords: ABTS; Laccase; Peroxidase; Phenol oxidase activity; Soil . . The
order ABTS and DMP (Table III). Decolorization of Commercial Dyes. The
This laccase was purified 209-fold from culture fluid with a yield of 6.2% using eth
activity with ABTS acting as chromogen yields exceed- ingly low values
In this assay, ABTS is converted to its radical cation by addition of sodium . "
Oct 10, 2011 . Introduction. This protocols are used to screent for and assay laccase activity. .
Laccase Assay Protocol . Prepare fresh solution of 2 mM ABTS using megapure
Characterization of free and immobilized laccase. 2.5.1. Optimum pH and pH
A laccase-encoding gene from the white-rot fungus. Trametes versicolor . were
pounds by laccase in the presence of a mediator, 1- . Proteins were eluted with
Activity was determined with ABTS as the . laccase was investigated, by
Tannic acid interferes with the commonly used laccase-detection assay based on
Detection was performed using a photodiode array detector at 200 to 600 nm.
Dec 1, 1995 . Laccase activity was demonstrated in the concentrated extracellular culture .
and the gels were activity stained with ABTS. Laccase Activity Assay. The activity
Dec 12, 1997 . Enzyme Assays. Phenol oxidase activity was assayed at 25 °C using 2,2′-azino
TEAC values determined using ABTS-+ and DPPH- radical decolourisation .
Dec 20, 2005 . For assaying laccase activity, transformants were cultivated on . Kinetics
straightforward and so assays can be carried out by mycologists with little . ..
Heterologously expressed laccase activity was monitored in colorimetric enzyme
Samples were analysed daily for laccase activity using the ABTS assay and cell
Laccase activity was determined using ABTS as substrate. Laccase was purified
and 80 mM/min, respectively, using ABTS as a substrate. Copper sulfate . .
. only (XWA6.1). b Detection of laccase production using ABTS overlay assay for
Laccase activity was assayed with two different substrates, ABTS and DMP. PPO-
Oct 20, 2008 . optimum pH of these laccases was studied using ABTS as substrate. It was found
In this work we study the interference of tannic acid with the spectrophotometric
The activity of free laccase was determined by the laccase assay with ABTS as
Laccase activity was assayed using. ABTS substrate [13]. The enzyme units were
Heter- ologously expressed laccase activity was monitored in colorimetric
People are interested in using laccases for a variety of purposes. In . enzyme
May 5, 2011 . Direct Spectrophotometric Assay of Laccase Using Diazo Derivatives of . . Stock
Laccase enzyme assay. Extracellur laccase activity was assayed
Spectrophotometric assays of laccase activity were carried out with 1 mM
Enzyme assays. Laccase activity was assayed at room tempera- ture using 2,2-
Laccase activity was detected with syringaldazine and ABTS 100 μM each . The
with laccase-ABTS followed by alkaline extraction (4). These observations . Laccase Assay. Using ABTS (Childs & Bardsley, 1975; Niku-
Dilute the laccase sample with enzyme diluent, if necessary (see Note 15). 2.
Sep 1, 2006 . Laccase activity, measured using the substrates ABTS and . For whole thallus
lected by enzyme assay using crude extract obtained . . Laccase activities were
The laccase activity was tested by spectrophotometry at 420 nm with 2,2'-azobis(
Five laccase assays of the culture medium were carried out at approximately 24-
characterize the organism with respect to laccase gene. White rot . . The selected
enzyme. 2.3. Enzyme and protein assay. Laccase activity was measured at 25. ◦.
Aug 20, 2004 . (2004) Terrón et al. Biochimie. Read by researchers in: 100% Biological
spectrophotometric assay with ABTS [2,2 -azinobis(3-ethylbenzathiazoline-6-
3.3.3 E ZYME ASSAY. Laccase activity was estimated spectrophotometrically
Aug 14, 2008 . By the o-dianisidine and guaiacol oxidation assay, only high activity of laccase
Jan 25, 2011 . teins were eluted with a NaCl gradient from 0 to 1 M. Fractions displaying laccase