Dec 8, 11
Other articles:
  • Sep 27, 2008 . Henry Kissinger "said that we should meet with Iran — guess what — without
  • Feb 14, 2011 . Kissinger Says Obama's Task Is To Create A "New World Order" . In Order To
  • May 6, 2011 . Kissinger would like to see Obama continue in this vein, reasserting U.S. . ..
  • Obama's Foreign Policy Challenge - Henry Kissinger. Find out . with Russia,
  • How Nixon's Soviet Union Policy Informs Obama's Iran Policy . Sure enough,
  • Obama pointed out that Kissinger favors negotiating without conditions and
  • Jun 19, 2009 . [Archive] Kissinger: Obama is handling the situation in Iran Politics.
  • Mar 7, 2011 . Iran says will attack NATO missile instillations in Turkey if attacked (AP). 17:27 .
  • Jun 18, 2009 . Kissinger says that Barack Obama could hardly have done less to support the
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  • Sep 27, 2008 . During the debate, Obama said Kissinger "said that we should meet with Iran --
  • Sep 28, 2008 . Kissinger: Obama Was Wrong. . that the U.S. president should meet with Iran's
  • Jun 18, 2009 . Breaking News,up to date blogging on the latest domestic and foreign issues.
  • Jul 1, 2009 . Henry Kissinger says the U.S. can support regime change in Iran, but that
  • Sep 28, 2008 . Only Obama cited him correctly. . Apparently Kissinger believes that the Islamic
  • Feb 4, 2011. ADVICE: Henry Kissinger Speaks to Charlie Rose on President Obama and
  • Sep 26, 2008 . Take a look at the debate again. Obama did not say that Kissinger supported
  • Jun 21, 2009 . Interestingly, Kissinger also expressed his support for then Sen. Obama's desire
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  • Sep 27, 2008 . Henry Kissinger is none too pleased that Barack Obama seems to have misstated
  • Meanwhile he became a leading critic of both the Nixon-Kissinger détente . .
  • Jun 25, 2009 . We've got Kissinger calling to over throw Iran and Obama telling us we've done it
  • Apr 22, 2011 . With President Obama keen to oversee more “mission creep” in Libya, .
  • May 25, 2011 . Kissinger: Obama Is Handling The Situation In Iran Well . John McCain (R-AZ)
  • Jun 18, 2009 . Last night on FNC, former Sec. of State Henry Kissinger became one of the more
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  • Jul 19, 2009 . In an interview with CNN yesterday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) criticized
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  • Nov 18, 2011 . Likewise, Kissinger openly articulated support for President Obama's foreign
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  • Jun 18, 2009 . In an interview with CNN yesterday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) criticized President
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  • Sep 27, 2008 . Obama responded by claiming that Kissinger, "along with five recent secretaries
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  • Jun 23, 2009 . "I think the President has handled this well," Kissinger told Fox News on Sunday.
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