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Bisexuals were defined as those who labeled themselves BI, regardless of their
I was just wondering what other people think about this Kinsey scale . Results 1
A Kinsey 1 or 2 is a person who is (or is almost) exclusively straight. You have no
New Content Forums > Main Category > Hard Gay Chats > Rate yourselves,
If you are unfamiliar with Alfred Kinsey, theres a great movie about it with Liam .
May 18, 2005 . From these results, the Kinsey Scale of Sexuality was born. All individuals were
Jun 30, 2003 . These days, the Kinsey Scale is under fire for being accurate only in a . the
An explanation of the Kinsey Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale. . The Sell
Mar 13, 2009 . View Poll Results: Where are you on the Kinsey Scale? 0, 25, 56.82%. 1, 12,
Jun 14, 2008 . Re: Kinsey and Klien Scale Quiz. My results below. Ideal 4.3. Present 4.8. Past
Dec 10, 2011 . Tags: alfred, behavior, human, in, kinsey, male, scale, sexual, the . but can't for
Apr 7, 2010 . For those not familiar, the Kinsey Scale is a measure of sexual orientation
administering the scale within 2 to 14 days (Streiner and Norman, 1989).
Mar 16, 2000 . This scale was developed by Dr. Alfred Kinsey and his associates in the late '40s
Jul 22, 2009 . Kinsey proved that bisexuality runs rampant Alfred Kinsey was the first scientist to
The Kinsey Scale . His results have more recently been supported by further
Feb 24, 2007 . View Poll Results: What are you on the Kinsey Scale? 0 - Strictly Heterosexual,
Aug 24, 2009 . Here are the final results from my Kinsey scale poll. I find the results of this poll
The Kinsey scale, also called the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale,
Jan 14, 2010 . View Poll Results: Where are you on the Kinsey Scale? Voters: 331. You may not
It's odd to see the Kinsey scale is so popular on the internet. . claiming to be
It is a refinement of the Kinsey Scale which ranked behaviour and . not be stored
Oct 12, 2007 . johnspnc… The Indiana one does not give you the results after you answer
The results were summarized by historian, playwright, and gay-rights activist .
Jun 27, 2006 . What do you rank on his scale of sexuality. please, . Alfred Kinsey's Scale .
Apr 2, 2009 . The Kinsey scale rates sexuality from 0 (heterosexual) to 6 (homosexual) - with
Apr 23, 2010 . I don't agree with my result so I won't post it. Kinsey Scale Rating 0 – Exclusively
Aug 3, 2011 . This page shows search word kinsey scale test results in Organic Results. You
Alfred kinsey pornography alfred kinsey pornography. alfred kinsey scale of
The Kinsey Scale is a spectrum used to gauge an individual's personal sexuality.
Researchers typically will assess study participants' sexual orientation through
The Kinsey Scale. There have been a number of . His results have more
Jul 3, 2011 . THE KINSEY SCALE 0. . 16 votes; Read all 33 opinions; View Results and
The Kinsey scale will tell you! There is another Kinsey Scale test on this site, but it
The Kinsey scale attempts to measure sexual orientation, from 0 (exclusively
the Kinsey scale. Results were evaluated in terms of the patient's subsequent
And welcome to my Kinsey Scale Test. This test will tell you where you fall on the
Feb 13, 2009 . The Kinsey scale uses actions rather than desire to display your results, and
Where do you sit on the Kinsey scale? Topic started by Jadeskye on May 27,
May 2, 2006 . MeaningThis result can also be related to the Kinsey Scale: 0 = exclusively
The Kinsey Scale ranges from zero to six. You are a three on the Kinsey Scale,
This result can also be related to the Kinsey Scale: 0 = exclusively heterosexual 1
Before therapy, each patient was assessed using the Kinsey scale. Results were
[Title bar for Kinsey's Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale]. What is the . .
Products 1 - 14 of 14 . The Best Kinsey Scale Tees for sale. . My Number on the Kinsey Scale Is
How do you fair on the Kinsey scale? . (hint to those that didn't get your results:
Jan 15, 2005 . View Poll Results: Where do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale. 0 -
The KSOG builds upon the Kinsey scale (bottom row) but operates by . then
Where are you on the Kinsey Scale? is from Bisexual forum, part of the . I'm
Although we have barely sufficient responses across the entire spectrum of the