Jan 9, 12
Other articles:
  • Sep 1, 2010 . This article on Texas Senate news is brought to you by The Texas Tribune. . In
  • Feb 17, 2011 . My home state of Texas had the same thing happen in 1979. They were called
  • Miracle of the Killer Bees: 12 Senators Who Changed Texas
  • Aug 25, 2003 . episode in Texas history in which a group of Democratic state senators called the
  • Jun 4, 1979 . State senators elude the Texas Rangers and sting a bill It was one of the most
  • In The Miracle of the Killer Bees: 12 Senators Who Changed Texas Politics by
  • May 14, 2003 . The Texas House of Representatives, handicapped from the very . Some are
  • Look up killer bee in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. . Killer Bees (Texas Senate),
  • There have been 3 cases of quorum-busting in Texas Senate history so far. The
  • Jun 2, 2011 . He is perhaps most noted as a member of the Texas Senate's "Killer Bees"
  • May 13, 2003 . Twelve liberal Democratic Texas senators staged a hide-and-seek game .
  • He became the first Hispanic Dean of the Texas Senate in 1995. . Texas history,
  • May 13, 2003 . More than 50 Democrats - dubbed the Killer D's by some after the 1970s-era
  • Mar 4, 2011 . THE TEXAS KILLER BEES. Carl Parker The work of the Wisconsin Senate has
  • Get this from a library! The miracle of the killer bees : 12 senators who changed
  • May 26, 2011 . Bob Deuell, R – Greenville, stood on the Senate floor and breathlessly .
  • Feb 18, 2011 . Fast forward to 1993, and taking a page from the Killer Bees' book, . The Texas
  • Member of the Texas Senate . He first gained notoriety in 1979, as a member of
  • Africanized bee, a hybrid of the African honey bee with various European honey
  • Jun 23, 2000 . Clayton D. Jones, who gained a place in the history of the Texas Senate during
  • Texas State Capitol. Dean Manuel Justiz, Anne Mauzy, Boyd Richie, Betty Richie,
  • Feb 20, 2011 . In 1979, a group of 12 Texas Senators, dubbed the "Killer Bees," broke quorum
  • May 14, 2003 . Congressional Democrats from Texas praised their colleagues in the state .
  • This year's session in Austin marked the 20th anniversary of the "Killer Bees" who
  • Dec 19, 2001 . Sen. Truan has served in the Texas Senate since 1977 and as the . Then in
  • Mar 3, 2011 . The Killer Bees (1979) – Objecting to a plan regarding the reorganizing of the
  • Cromartie (1999) from Heard, Robert. The Killer Bees of Texas: 12
  • "On a cosmic scale," Heard writes, "It was a small victory. But each person has a
  • Miracle of the Killer Bees: 12 Senators Who Changed Texas
  • “Texas is changing and the Senator laid the foundation for the emergence of a
  • Africanized bee, a hybrid of the African honey bee with various European honey
  • Feb 26, 2011 . Parker and his allies in the Texas Senate three decades ago also were . to take
  • The Texas legislature is the dominant branch of state government within the state
  • The first case was in 1870, with the Rump Senate, followed by the 1979 Killer
  • Texas Senators. 12 Senator That Changed Texas (1792 7 ) . . In The Miracle of
  • These twelve senators, dubbed the “Killer Bees,” had taken a “blood oath” to
  • Feb 9, 2001 . The Killer Bees were a group of 12 senators who in the 1979 session were the
  • Feb 19, 2011 . There aren't enough Democrats to block the plan in the state Senate, but without
  • . gear at the best prices ›. 1155 items found for " Killer Bees (Texas Senate) " in
  • Killer Bees Texas Senate on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable
  • Find ISBN 9780937642016 at a great price! has by Robert Heard,
  • Former state Senator and Representative Robert “Bob” Vale always will be . as
  • The moniker "Killer Ds" alludes to the Killer Bees, twelve liberal Democratic
  • 6 copies . Alibris has 9780937642016: The Miracle of the Killer Bees: 12 Senators Who
  • Miracle of the Killer Bees: 12 Senators Who Changed Texas
  • Feb 17, 2011 . My home state of Texas had the same thing happen in 1979. They were called
  • May 10, 1991 . HOUSTON — Sixteen swarms of so-called "killer bees" have been found in
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  • AUSTIN, Texas It will take- more than Texas Rangers on their trail and threats to
  • Oct 4, 2010 . Texas Tales and Killer Bees with Former Lt. Gov. . and determined minority of

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