Other articles:
Apr 4, 2004 . April 6, 2004 02:13 AM. Mac OS catching up with windows? I'd say it's the other
Jul 17, 2010 . Kill the Flash video and the kernel_task will slowly scale back and . Disclaimer: I
Apr 4, 2012. BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Mac OS
Sep 16, 2008 . view large. 10.5.5 - MacBook Air - Kernel_task. After upgrading to the new 10.5.5
Jul 13, 2006 . kernel_task is one of the more resource intensive processes inside of Mac OS X,
Mar 24, 2011 . Obviously I think the kernel_task's CPU usage is contributing to the battery drop
I noticed kernel_task yesterday when I had ~2.5GB of free memory (which is odd,
May 14, 2011 . IOGraphicsFamily(2.2)@0x938000 BSD process name corresponding to current
Apr 9, 2008 . I have seen reports from users with 500 MB allocated to kernel_task. /rob ? iMac
Apr 15, 2011 . Mac running slow and fan running at high speed after water spill . I have a
Why kernel_task always increases it's amount of real memory usage as the days
Mar 16, 2011 . As for dear kernel_task, it was using 570.2 MB at the time, again something I've
Apple · Support · Mac · iPod · iPhone · iPad · iTunes · Support . https://discussions.apple.com/search.jspa?. kernel_task. kernel_task*. - Cached - Similarosx - Ballooning Mac OS X kernel_task and Wired memory usage . Feb 21, 2010 . I have a Mac Pro (2008, 8-core 2.8 GHz, 8800GT) with 14 GB of RAM (recently
Sep 28, 2009 . pI am using a spammy title for this because there are a number of similar issues.
Sep 17, 2010 . 6 messages in com.apple.lists.darwin-kernelRe: Why kernel_task . I'm a
{mrec_postbit1} 04-29-2011, 02:09 AM I've been noticing that lately kernel_task
Apr 15, 2012 . Apple Mac news, latest mac news, all the top Apple Mac news stories in one
Apr 19, 2011 . internetSecurity(1.3f32)@0x1879000 BSD process name corresponding to
Circles > The Square Circle. Mac users: kernel_task using 100% CPU? (1/1).
Nov 2, 2011 . Ticket #866261: kernel_task over 50% - CrossOver Support for Windows
Feb 16, 2012. BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Mac OS
Lately my Rev. A MBA has been going nuts every hour or so, with the dreaded
Feb 15, 2012 . I have a 2009 Macbook Pro with Lion running and it's been two weeks that i've
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Mac OS version:
Mar 20, 2011 . When your Mac DOESN'T "just work", and needs a spring clean I recently had a
Feb 4, 2012 . BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Mac OS version:
Aug 11, 2009 . There have been many reports, especially with MacBook Air and other laptop
Sep 27, 2010 . I'm trying to help a buddy out and am completely stumped. Anyone have
Dec 14, 2011 . After you release them you should hear it again, and hopefully your Mac will boot
Nov 8, 2008 . Creators of Houdini, procedural node based 3D animation and visual effects
Aug 12, 2011 . In OS X you may find the process 'kernel_task' taking up a large . If you launch
Feb 6, 2012. process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Mac OS version:
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. . current thread: kernel_task Mac OS version: 11A511
I am impressed. I remember the old days when it used less than 100 MB. This is
Apr 27, 2012 . Question - kernel_task high cpu at 86% without any program running.. Find the
Dec 29, 2011 . Could someone with a Mac check their kernel_task and tell me the number of
Any idea to as why it has been using so much RAM lately? Between that and
Feb 21, 2010 . Ballooning Mac OS X kernel_task and Wired memory usage. How to diagnose /
kernel_task CPU issues Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. . the activity monitor, and sure
from like an hour I turned on my mac and start using it, nothing special . name
Apr 10, 2011 . Hi All, I am currently running Lion on the new MacBook Air 2011 refresh (11", i7,
Aug 25, 2011 . Hi guys, don't know if anyone can help but I have a 2011 Macbook pro. Its only 3
Hello, Yes, If I'm remembering right I have seen some other sites making mention
I have an iMac G3 with a Harmoni G3 upgrade card that I upgraded to Tiger and
Does anyone has so many threads at kernel_task process. At activity monitor
Feb 18, 2011 . Hey fellas, I hadn't connected the two things until this morning. I've had Boxee
If like me, you keep an eye on the Mac OSX activity monitor, then you've likely
MacBook Air 13" 128 G purchased early February 2011. Migrated over the
Morning All. As per the title I was wondering if anyone had experienced similar