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American Journal of Clinical Oncology has specific instructions and guidelines
Authors should consult the Instructions to Authors of the journal to which they
guidelines and present some new guidelines aimed in partic- ular at presentation
Sep 6, 2011 . INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS. Belgian Journal of Medical Oncology. General
Journal of Clinical Oncology . Authors. In compliance with standards established
May 27, 2005 . Nature Clinical Practice Oncology (2005) 2, 416-422 . The development of
Journal Web Sites [Instructions for Authors]. Note: Access to .
Journal of Clinical Oncology. . Social Science Journals: Resources for Authors
Click here here for author guidelines for the Oncology Nursing Forum (ONF).
AUTHOR GUIDELINES. The Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Clinical Oncology-Guide for Authors. . Papers must be submitted exclusively to
World Journal of Clinical Oncology (World J Clin Oncol, WJCO, online .
Annals of Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles
Basic science and medical journals are increasingly requiring authors to disclose
Journal of Clinical Oncology serves its readers as the single most credible,
They provide exhaustive author instructions for submitting to Nature and a useful
The Journal is endorsed by the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology . and full
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) . Instructions for Authors.
Editor-in-Chief. Manoj Pandey, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU. Editorial
Sep 25, 2001 . Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences . American Journal of Clinical
Author Instructions. 1. Copy and paste the form . Dear Sir or Madam: I am
Welcome to JCO's guidelines for manuscript submission. Please . There are four
Annals of Oncology publishes manuscripts that describe new findings of
Medical Oncology (MO) communicates the results of clinical and experimental
Clinical Oncology is the scientific journal of the Faculty of Clinical Oncology, .
The Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes manuscripts that describe
Instructions to Authors for The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Aug 4, 2011 . Journals' instructions to authors. So far (November 2008) REMARK is mentioned
Jan 13, 2011 . Instructions to Authors Header . . Alternative Journal of Nursing (scroll down to "
From newspapers, magazines, trade and academic journals . Copyright, open
TopAuthor Guidelines. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology is a
Instructions for Authors. The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory
the entire directory, only in Cancer/Journals. Description .
Dec 15, 2011 . Search or browse article archives, author guidelines, editorial board and .
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology · About This Journal · Contact . for
I am seeking a style for the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The style instructions .
Each article type published by Journal of Medical Case Reports follows a specific
The "Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology" publishes significant
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association · Insructions to Authors ·
The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology is an international
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal for clinical
Aug 11, 2003 . To: /> Subject: <RefMan> journal of clinical oncology. Hi, I am looking for .
In abstracts of Review Articles, authors may use DESIGN instead of PATIENTS
The International Journal of Clinical Oncology (IJCO) welcomes original research
Instructions to Authors. January 2008 http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/
writing for medical journals is inconsistent and most commonly informal, involving
Jan 13, 2011 . Instructions to Authors Header . Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology . on
Clinical activity and cardiac tolerability of non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in
Perspectives in Oncology, Point of view piece from a public figure. . . Authors