Other articles:
Please note: You will not be able to find journals in Quest using abbreviations
Abbreviated title (ISO), JCO . The Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) is a
Conform abbreviations of medical periodicals to those in the "List of Journals
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. J. Catalysis. Journal of
World journal of clinical oncology NLM Title Abbreviation: World J Clin Oncol.
Title: Japanese journal of clinical oncology. ISSN: 0368-2811 (Print) 1465-3621 (
Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription. . JAMA, Journal of the
Jul 10, 2010 . Please send journal suggestions to Kevin Lindstrom Liaison . .. of Clinical
Jan 3, 2006 . But if I try to use a style that employs the full journal name (Journal of Clinical
Aging: abbreviation: Aging ; more info; American heart journal: abbreviation: Am
Medical Abbreviations / Acronym Search . Children (323). Common Medical
Journal Title Abbreviations - J . JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL
Use the cited work index to find additional abbreviations for journals, along with
The Source (SO) field contains the journal title abbreviation for the journal in
Mar 4, 1996 . As well as many widely used medical abbreviations this text includes . BMJ,
Words in journal titles have been abbreviated according to the .
ISI Journal Title Abbreviations . .. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER: EUR J
Sep 29, 2011 . science and engineering journal abbreviations. . American Journal of Clinical
Mar 4, 1996 . Medical terminology for cancer : Abbreviations and Acronyms for . BMJ, British
Abbreviated title (ISO), Am. J. Clin. Oncol. . The American Journal of Clinical
Acronym Finder: AJCO stands for American Journal of Clinical Oncology. This
In 2008, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the Oncology.
JCD: Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease; jcml: juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia; JCO:
For example, a quick search indicates that the Japanese Journal for Clinical
Names and abbreviations of 8.500 biomedical journals in alphabetic order . Jpn
Acronym Finder: JCOG stands for Journal of Clinical Oncology (American Society
Aug 20, 2005 . George Tidmarsh, Shankar Vallabhajosula, and Stanley J. Goldsmith. A. B. S. T .
Biological Journals and Abbreviations. A B C D E F G H I J K L .
The Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes manuscripts that describe
Journal Title: Anticancer research. Journal Abbreviation: Anticancer Res
1.2 Chemotherapy Drug Abbreviations & Acronyms. 1.3 Test .
Although I applaud the Journal's, efforts to keep costs down, the excessive use of
ISI Journal Title Abbreviations . .. AM J CLIN NUTR; AMERICAN JOURNAL OF
Arkansas nurse = AN Ark Nurse ANA clinical conferences = ANA Clin Conf ANA
Mar 4, 1996 . Medical terminology for cancer : Abbreviations and Acronyms for . BMJ, British
ISI Journal Title Abbreviations . JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL
Abbreviated title (ISO), CA-Cancer J. Clin. . CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
Browse and search for thousands of Oncology acronyms and abbreviations. .
The Journal is endorsed by the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO), . .
Abbreviation Category > Medical Abbreviation. Improve your knoledge by
Acronym Finder: JJCO stands for Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. This
Title: Japanese journal of clinical oncology. ISSN: 0368-2811 (Print) 1465-3621 (
May 1, 1996 . Please note that abbreviations such as JAMA follow those starting J_ (J space).
Acronym, Definition. JCo, Java Connector (SAP). JCO, Journal of Clinical
Journal Title: Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for
Although I applaud the Journal's, efforts to keep costs down, the excessive use of
May 1, 2004 . the abbreviated course of RT seems to be a reasonable treatment option for older
May 1, 1996 . Abbreviations in italics are not to be trusted. . .. Am J Clin Oncol, American