Feb 25, 12
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  • Please note: You will not be able to find journals in Quest using abbreviations
  • Abbreviated title (ISO), JCO . The Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) is a
  • Conform abbreviations of medical periodicals to those in the "List of Journals
  • Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. J. Catalysis. Journal of
  • World journal of clinical oncology NLM Title Abbreviation: World J Clin Oncol.
  • Title: Japanese journal of clinical oncology. ISSN: 0368-2811 (Print) 1465-3621 (
  • Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription. . JAMA, Journal of the
  • Jul 10, 2010 . Please send journal suggestions to Kevin Lindstrom Liaison . .. of Clinical
  • Jan 3, 2006 . But if I try to use a style that employs the full journal name (Journal of Clinical
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  • Medical Abbreviations / Acronym Search . Children (323). Common Medical
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  • Use the cited work index to find additional abbreviations for journals, along with
  • The Source (SO) field contains the journal title abbreviation for the journal in
  • Mar 4, 1996 . As well as many widely used medical abbreviations this text includes . BMJ,
  • Words in journal titles have been abbreviated according to the .
  • ISI Journal Title Abbreviations . .. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER: EUR J
  • Sep 29, 2011 . science and engineering journal abbreviations. . American Journal of Clinical
  • Mar 4, 1996 . Medical terminology for cancer : Abbreviations and Acronyms for . BMJ, British
  • Abbreviated title (ISO), Am. J. Clin. Oncol. . The American Journal of Clinical
  • Acronym Finder: AJCO stands for American Journal of Clinical Oncology. This
  • In 2008, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the Oncology.
  • JCD: Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease; jcml: juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia; JCO:
  • For example, a quick search indicates that the Japanese Journal for Clinical
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  • Acronym Finder: JCOG stands for Journal of Clinical Oncology (American Society
  • Aug 20, 2005 . George Tidmarsh, Shankar Vallabhajosula, and Stanley J. Goldsmith. A. B. S. T .
  • Biological Journals and Abbreviations. A B C D E F G H I J K L .
  • The Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes manuscripts that describe
  • Journal Title: Anticancer research. Journal Abbreviation: Anticancer Res
  • 1.2 Chemotherapy Drug Abbreviations & Acronyms. 1.3 Test .
  • Although I applaud the Journal's, efforts to keep costs down, the excessive use of
  • ISI Journal Title Abbreviations . .. AM J CLIN NUTR; AMERICAN JOURNAL OF
  • Arkansas nurse = AN Ark Nurse ANA clinical conferences = ANA Clin Conf ANA
  • Mar 4, 1996 . Medical terminology for cancer : Abbreviations and Acronyms for . BMJ, British
  • ISI Journal Title Abbreviations . JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL
  • Abbreviated title (ISO), CA-Cancer J. Clin. . CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
  • Browse and search for thousands of Oncology acronyms and abbreviations. .
  • The Journal is endorsed by the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO), . .
  • Abbreviation Category > Medical Abbreviation. Improve your knoledge by
  • Acronym Finder: JJCO stands for Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. This
  • Title: Japanese journal of clinical oncology. ISSN: 0368-2811 (Print) 1465-3621 (
  • May 1, 1996 . Please note that abbreviations such as JAMA follow those starting J_ (J space).
  • Acronym, Definition. JCo, Java Connector (SAP). JCO, Journal of Clinical
  • Journal Title: Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for
  • Although I applaud the Journal's, efforts to keep costs down, the excessive use of
  • May 1, 2004 . the abbreviated course of RT seems to be a reasonable treatment option for older
  • May 1, 1996 . Abbreviations in italics are not to be trusted. . .. Am J Clin Oncol, American

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