Other articles:
Mar 20, 2012 . “libhibernate-jbosscache-java” 3.6.8-2 source package in Ubuntu. Ubuntu · “
Jun 17, 2008 . JBoss Cache comes in two distinctive flavors: the core cache and POJO cache.
4.0.0 org.hibernate hibernate-parent 3.3.1.GA ../parent/pom.xml org.hibernate
Nov 13, 2005 . Ben Wang uses JBoss Cache to show how POJO caches can offer .
Support JBossCache 2.x as a CacheProvider (from Cache Manager) . JBoss
Note that since Hibernate 3.0.2 and JBossCache 1.2.2, we have fixed a critical
Hibernate JBossCache2.x Integration. Integration of Hibernate with JBossCache
Displaying Maven dependency information and inspecting the hibernate-
JBoss Cache 1.x (suitable for use in JBoss 4.2.x and other containers). org.jboss.
Move current cache-jbosscache2 module content to cache-jbosscache · Rapid
2. JBossCache as a second level cache for Hibernate in JBoss 5 stackoverflow.
Jun 9, 2009 . JBoss Cache 2. org.hibernate.cache. jbc2. JBossCache. Region Factory.
I'm considering to use to implement a cache either JBoss Cache or Ehcache. . .
Mar 15, 2004 . The current stable release, recommended for general use, is JBoss Cache 3.2.2.
JBossCache2.1.x_And_Beyond_QA. VERSION 16 Click to view article history.
First download the JBoss Cache 2.x distribution from the download page . core-
May 9, 2012 . Internal Name: JBossCache. Description: Provides monitoring of JBossCache 2.x
hibernate-jbosscache2-3.3.1.GA.jar. download : http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/
Apr 13, 2010 . I've spent the past two days trying to get a distributed secondary Hibernate cache
[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: JBossCache 2 and Hibernate 3.2 compatibility. [
Feb 26, 2009 . Note that although this example works with JBoss Cache 2.x.x, GridGain Affinity
Nov 4, 2008 . In JBoss Cache 1.x and 2.x, we offered two different locking schemes - an
May 7, 2012 . you have the exception below that appears. What is that java.lang.
Feb 12, 2012 . 2. jbossall_client.jar - this is also ships with JBoss4.2.3. Some knowledge
Hibernate JBossCache2.x Integration. Integration of Hibernate with JBossCache
Sep 22, 2008 . The rest of the guide focuses on the Hibernate 3.3 and JBoss Cache 2.x
Jun 22, 2007 . JBoss Cache is a replicated and transactional cache that can be used to manage
Problem adding hibernate-jbosscache2 to my project. If I try to add a dependency
Nov 7, 2005 . LAMS uses the JBossCache. It was primarily chosen as it is the cache that comes
JBossCache 3.1.0.BETA1, 2009-03-20. JBossCache-GUI-Demo 1.2.GA, 2009-02
2010-05-23 - Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org> libjboss-cache2-java (2.2.2.
GA tag, on the https://svn.jboss.org/repos/hibernate/core/branches/
Project: org.hibernate/hibernate-jbosscache2, version: 3.3.2.grepcode.com/snapshot/repository.jboss. jbosscache2/3.3.2.GA - CachedGrepCode: hibernate-jbosscache2-3.3.0.GA.jar - Java Project . Project: org.hibernate/hibernate-jbosscache2, version: 3.3.0.GA - Integration of
JBoss Cache comes in 2 editions - a core cache, for caching simple objects, and
Jan 11, 2011 . jcaptcha-extension-jbosscache-store v1.0 supports JBossCache 2.x jcaptcha-
I've noticed that JBossCache 2 has been out and our implementation is only
Hibernate JBossCache2.x Integration. Integration of Hibernate with JBossCache
24.1.2. Cache Mode. JBoss Cache's cacheMode configuration attribute combines
Chapter 2. JBoss Cache: Core. Q: Can I run multiple JBoss Cache instances on
Displaying Maven dependency information and inspecting the hibernate-
If you want to use the external cache deplyoment you have to apply another
[2] The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is part of the JBoss Enterprise . .
Persistence for Idiomatic Java. Using JBoss Cache 2 as a . .. Second level
I'm trying to get Hibernate 3 to work using JBoss Cache 2 as the second level
4.0.0 org.hibernate hibernate-parent 3.3.0.CR1 ../parent/pom.xml org.hibernate
cache frequently accessed Java objects. JBoss Cache is a product designed to
When constructed, the Configuration object is preset with JBoss Cache defaults
Displaying Maven dependency information and inspecting the hibernate-
by default, JBossCache provides API argument as FQN or String; in Groovy, we