Other articles:
Oct 14, 2011 . had the same INVALID BINARY error from iTunes Connect even if Application
May 26, 2011 . I spent the past week pulling out my hair trying to submit an update for Centare's
Uploaded successfully but now I get "Invalid Binary" on the iTunes connect status
I submitted my app in the App Store. First I validated it, and turns out . Try using
Hey all, i have no idea what's going on. I'm real new at this and i did the certificate
Mar 24, 2010 . iTunes Connect site error. 2010 03.24. If you ever come across “The binary you
I'm trying to submit an app with these details: Base SDK: iPhone . Apple no
I have submitter my universal application .app file to iTunes connect and it shows
It's error with status "Invalid Binary" on itunesconnect website when I'm uploaded
Invalid Binary on Itunesconnect. Feb 22nd, 2012. I bumped into a strange
When submitting an update of a title that is already out one iTunes we get the
I've tried submitting my app update to Apple but I am getting an . I've updated a
sdk 1.6.2, ios 4.3 Everything was ok for submitting a release until last step in
It was my stupid mistake, somehow I didn't use the right certificate to sign the
Nov 29, 2011 . Invalid Binary Error. Hi, I have a problem when I submit my app on itunes connect
hello guy, i'm sorry for my english but i'm italian. I have a problem with my
iTunes Connect - Invalid Binary. I spent a few hours over the last 2 days dealing
Oct 12, 2011 . Well, I happened to check into iTunes connect today out of pure luck, when I saw
Aug 8, 2011 . Different iPhone app Status on iTunes Connect for new app . Invalid Binary -
I am trying to upload my app on appstore. Whenever I submit the app . Finally it
Help me!!!! itunes connect gives me an "invalid binary" message after uploading!forums.gamesalad.com/. /17069/invalid-binary-itunes-connect-error - Cached"Invalid Binary" in iTunes Connect! Need Help? : iBuildAppDec 16, 2011 . I have the same problem, my app name is Studio BENZI, I have tryed many times
Feb 22, 2012 . iTunes Connect Store - Binary Rejection emails. Invalid Signature. Invalid Code
I'm trying to submit an update of an existing application on behalf of . . Hey, after
INVALID BINARY message on iTunes Connect. I uploaded it via xcode's
Im ripping my hair out over this!!! I have tried like everything and . I fixed this by
Aug 10, 2010 . originally posted by Jade on the invalid binary error after a several hour fight to
. time when we submit the updated on iTunes Connect the status is showing “
Oct 23, 2011 . I have updated my old iOS application and submitted it from Xcode4.2 archive
Invalid Binary Itunes Connect. By: a guest on Mar 22nd, 2012 | syntax: None |
I validated the project just fine, and uploaded just fine. but later on, I find that
Hi, I got an "invalid binary" error when uploading my app to iTunes. Below is the
I submitted my binary through Application Loader, and the iTunes Connect status
Jan 11, 2011 . However I keep getting an invalid binary error in iTunes Connect. It doesn't say
Oct 10, 2011 . Google Xcode 4 iTunes connect for the most recent tips. I'm not . You'll need
Apr 14, 2011 . Today I ran across an issue submitting an app for review in iTunes Connect. Both
I just finished my app and now am ripping my hair out because of this little "
All three times apple took the update. Then minutes later I get an e-mail from
In your Xcode project, what architectures and iOS version are you building for? It
FAQ - The bundle is invalid. . When trying to upload a new updated binary to
Nov 2, 2011 . A viewer app submission is rejected in iTunes Connect with the message, "
Sep 6, 2011 . I am trying to submit my first application to the Mac App Store. I have setup the
Aug 10, 2010 . iTunes Connect: Invalid Binary. Invalid Binary. Gee thanks Apple for that
One of my friends here wanted to put it to the store and told me he is getting this ("
Jan 20, 2011 . A: Why do I get an "Invalid Binary Architecture" email after uploading my app to
Oct 13, 2011 . Quick fix for invalid Code Signing Entitlements or invalid binary message from
Invalid Binary message from iTunesConnect. Submitted by greg on Sat, 09/04/
Invalid Binary Architecture - iOS 3.0 introduced support for multiple binary