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Oligonucleotide primers targeting the ITS-5.8S rDNA regions of different Harmful
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janelia.org/. / The%20nucleotide%20sequence%20of%20Saccharomyces%20cere. CachedDec 2, 2011 . The mobility of the 5.8 S RNA is consistent with its determined nucleotide length.
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bibliotecavirtual.ranf.com/i18n/catalogo. /grupo.cmd?path. CachedABSTRACT:The microsatellite repeats in the complete ITS-2 rDNA sequence and
mcb.asm.org/content/30/4/976.fullHowever, in situ hybridization detected 3′-extended forms of 5.8S rRNA in . . to
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11 kb NTS ETS ITS-1 ITS-2 TTS NTS 18S1 ii i □ : Li^iiiil t* 26S 5.8S 1.0 kb ual
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