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https://store.sabs.co.za/pdfpreview.php?hash. preview=yesthe detection of hydrogen embrittlement —. Parallel bearing surface method. This
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https://www.sis.se/api/document/preview/615528/Reference number. ISO 15330:1999(E). INTERNATIONAL. STANDARD. ISO.
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https://www.metrology-journal.org/articles/ijmqe/pdf/. /ijmqe2011004.pdfeffort. A promising approach is to estimate the measure- ment uncertainty by
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www.rec-engineering.de/en/engineering/test-beds/CachedUniversal test beds for measuring torque, angle of rotation and preloading forces,
https://www.fastbolt.com/index.php?option=com. id. Cached. can reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement but a complete elimination
https://www.a2la.org/scopepdf/0730-01.pdfCachedMay 1, 2018 . ISO 15330;. SAE J81, J773;. ASME B18.13. Internal-Thread Proof Load. ASTM
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