Other articles:
Jan 10, 2010 . You run it and give a haskell file as its argument. In my code I had. and $ map
import Char ( isAlpha, isDigit, isSpace ) . where (num,rest) = span isDigit cs
Hello everyone, I've been doing a project for class in Haskell. .
Feb 25, 2005. Prelude, based very closely on the Standard Prelude for Haskell 98. . isSpace
By: a guest | Mar 25th, 2011 | Syntax: Haskell | Size: 0.22 KB | Hits: 149 |
Jun 26, 2010 . Logo · lpcp-ufrn-2010-1-haskell · Interpretador Haskell para Suelbi . isDigit a = if
I know there is a function in haskell, isDigit that checks if it is a char. However is
I'm new to Haskell, so am sorry if this is incredibly obvious. . . For
usage: Prelude> all (<11) [1..10] True Prelude> all isDigit "123abc" False . ..
Jan 12, 2010 . isAlpha and isDigit come free with the Char module. . If you're writing new
Instant is off | Search plugin | Manual | haskell.org · Hoogle. isDigit. Packages;
haskell > let isDigit c = c >= '0' && 'c' <= '9' in isdigit .
Primitives that are not definable in Haskell , indicated by names starting with "
Char| provides us with the functions |isDigit|, |isLetter|, . for an extremely
I'm a bit of a Haskell newbie, but here's how I would do it using as few as possible
6 days ago . and $ map isDigit [d1, d2, d3] . Paste:#54673; Author:jessopher; Language:
Nov 4, 2003 . Hi All, I was trying to write go program in haskell - My code fragment looks . This
Start Haskell 1st (Chapter 4) - Presentation Transcript. isDigit :: Char ->
Prelude.hs is the standard library which is loaded when you start Haskell, and it
isDigit :: Char -> Bool. Selects ASCII digits, i.e. '0' .. '9' . . using only
type: isDigit :: Char -> Bool. description: applied to a character argument, returns
Module: Char. Function: isDigit. Type: Char -> Bool. Description: True if the
Mar 9, 2005 . Hi,. I've got a problem with parser primitives using Hugs. I have the standard
ISDIGIT HASKELL. Jun 11, 11. Other articles: isdigit · isdigit haskell · isdigit
Nov 4, 2003 . New-to-Haskell, i.e. elementary, Haskell questions; extended discussions .
int as_int(char *str) { int acc; /* accumulate the partial result */ for (acc = 0; isdigit(*
Interactive Programs in Haskell. (Software Workshop Haskell). Antoni Diller .
Jan 23, 2010 . thing remember that Haskell does have pattern matching and you should use it.
isAlpha, isDigit, isOctDigit, isHexDigit, isAlphaNum :: Char -> Bool . For the
[Import from Data.Char ]. definition: isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'. usage:
Jan 23, 2010 . Previous message: [Haskell-beginners] if statements; Next message: . Hoogle
Jan 23, 2010 . Re: [Haskell-beginners] if statements. Hi John, You've several errors. What is
In this appendix the entire Haskell Prelude is given. . done via "deriving" clauses
Char (isDigit) countDigitsForList [] = return [] countDigitsForList (x:xs) = do q .
Dec 10, 2003 . Functional Programming in Haskell. Part 2 : Abstract . isDigit :: Char -> Bool .
isDigit :: Char -> Bool . String constants in Haskell are values of type String. .
Functional Programming in Haskell . . that isDigit replaces isAlpha: getDigits ::
Appendix B shows how the special Haskell symbols that are used in the book are
A Haskell program is a collection of modules where the main module loads up
Maintainer, libraries@haskell.org . A character literal in Haskell has type Char.
Sep 2, 2011 . Haskell Simple US currency parser . currencyFirst counter [] = [] currencyFirst
Haskell: a function to check if a string contains all integers? This contributes to a
Mar 9, 2005 . 2 messages in org.haskell.hugs-users[Hugs-users] isDigit problem . Date: Mar 9
definition: isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'. usage: Prelude> isDigit '1' True
Translated into Haskell by Gary T. Leavens. module ParserFunctions where infixl
I try to use the Prelude function isDigit, but this gives an error. . Prelude>
A character literal in Haskell has type Char . To convert a Char . Note that
But my following question: since isDigit converts all real numbers to . I'm
isDigit Error. Paste:#45793; Author:osoleve; Language:Haskell; Channel:#haskell;
. 21 Fantom; 22 Forth; 23 Fortran; 24 Go; 25 Groovy; 26 Haskell; 27 HicEst; 28