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Jan 5, 2006 . ColdFusion Cookbook is a collection of problems and solutions for typical . The
For example, ColdFusion has a handy isDate() function that tells you whether the
Search results for isdate,coldfusion. . How do I force a Coldfusion cfc to output
I'm trying to find some Coldfusion code that will allow me to validate a date to .
TIP When specifying the year using the IsDate()function, be aware that
Coldfusion provides the java isDate function that will take a date as a string and
May 31, 2001 . >I > >want it to only accept formats that the isDate() coldfusion function >would >
Nov 2, 2009 . Coldfusion's IsDate() method has fooled me for the last time. Where as any self
Adobe Forums > ColdFusion > Advanced Techniques > Discussions . I use
Apr 9, 2008 . ColdFusion has a very nice “isDate()” function that allows you to pass in a variety
Is this an explanation of the "bug" because I though ISDATE validated North
Dec 14, 2002 . coldfusion-howto: ColdFusion Tips Tutorial Help Questions.
IsDate cross reference. (Cold Fusion Essentials Functions Decision Is Date
Jun 1, 2001 . IsDate() with NULL's inside a loop!! was asked on the ColdFusion Talk (CF-Talk)
I must be a slow learner because I've been bitten by the following gotcha in the
Jun 27, 2007 . This is very old news, but I think it still generates a lot of questions and searching
Oct 14, 2010 . Copy this code and paste it in your HTML. public bool IsDate(string value). {.
Oct 22, 2008 . News and Views, Yacoubean style: Limits of ColdFusion's isDate function.
Just wondering. Thanks! -- Chris Luksha Echo Web Services Making Your
Apr 7, 2008 . ColdFusion, Database, MVC, Frameworks, Security and whatever: . As
Search results for isdate,coldfusion. . ColdFusion : Dynamically injecting data
Coldfusion 8 Isdate : Find related keywords of Coldfusion 8 Isdate at treesoe.com
IsDate function example: how to check string, is it date object or not. IsDate
Jun 24, 2011 . However I recently started making use of ColdFusion's datefield input type on my
IsDate. Description. Determines whether a string or Java object can be converted
ColdFusion @ DaniWeb - Hi, I am forced to use the old style validation . that it
IsDate. Description. Returns TRUE if string can be converted to a date/time value;
Our library present to you materials from book Inside ColdFusion MX. Warning!
Feb 8, 2010 . ASandstrom on livedocs for version 6 says:Passing numeric data to the
Coldfusion Report Builder: How to display date? . wrong in my statement? <cfif (
ColdFusion 8: Added the component value for to the type attribute. . date or time:
Chapter 2 ColdFusion Functions. ParseDateTime. Returns a date/time object
Jan 10, 2008 . IsDate() and SQL Server. . Coldfusion, JavaScript, whatever. . I don't know
For information on how ColdFusion MX handles two-digit years, see CreateDate(
Feb 21, 2008 . I must be a slow learner because I've been bitten by the following gotcha in the
Jul 14, 2010 . Adobe ColdFusion Bug Database :: 83591 · View Bug 83591 on . Product,
IsDate - . Ch. 17. Regular Expressions in ColdFusion · Ch. 18. Scripting · Ch. 19.
isDate() regular expression was asked on the ColdFusion Talk (CF-Talk) mailing
Adobe ColdFusion 8 . ColdFusion applies the offset and returns a value with the
. and Web Development.: Finding dates in a string using ColdFusion. . Posted
May 19, 2009 . It was using ColdFusion's IsDate() function to check the CacheUntil value; IsDate(
IsDate - Function Reference Description Checks to see if a function can be called
Does anyone know of a Javascript function that is the equal to CF's IsDate()
Well, sort of. I had been writing a custom controller for a datagrid which allowed
ColdFusion Essentials : Functions : Date and time : IsDate. Context of the notion
. is NULL) and (tdate_expire >= #Now()# or tdate_expire is NULL) and isdate .
Quick Note On IsDate() vs. IsNumericDate(). Posted August 30, 2006 at 3:50 PM
<cfif isdate(URL.day)> do a bunch of stuff. . <cfoutput> . . How to get list of
Search results for isdate,coldfusion. . Does the Wrap function in ColdFusion