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Is it MacRuby? Listing Ruby Gems and showing their MacRuby compatibility.
Popular snippets tagged 'isbndb'. . Perl ISBN web bibtex isbndb saved by 1
ruby-isbndb - A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
Jun 15, 2009 . I've been using ISBNdb.com to provide a link from library pages for a known item
Open source xISBN (and isbndb) Python library . This gem provides the
Managers of ruby-isbndb. No user has registered to become a manager of this
Mar 1, 2006 . "From The Programmable Web comes word of ISBNdb.com, a large . ISBNdb
A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
Oct 30, 2011 . All Categories, PHP, Python, Tools & Utilities, XML, Ruby on Rails, Ajax, Web
Mar 13, 2008 . Byte Array Declaration with Initializers in Python, Perl, Ruby, Java, C#, VB.NET,
ruby-isbndb - A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
ruby-isbndb - A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
Suggested searches related to ruby isbndb. Use these suggestions to refine your
Jul 10, 2008 . Anyway, I promised the Ruby code I'd quickly written to convert the .
RubyDoc.info is your source for open source Ruby library documentation, . .
Oct 25, 2007 . Demonstrates sending a query to isbndb.com and parsing the XML response.
ruby-isbndb - A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
Feb 16, 2009 . use WebService::ISBNDB::API::Books;. use Getopt::Long;. use Pod::Usage;. my
Aug 25, 2009 . Learn how to get a book's information with its ISBN using ISBNDB's API. . http://
ISBNdb.com project is a database of books in different languages providing on-
The interface to isbndb.com can go into a model. That model would be a plain
Sounds like a job for Ruby on Rails and Amazon Webservices (for the lookup).
A simple gem for interacting with ISBNDB.com . If you want to sponsor the Ruby
ISBNDB.COM - Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries . (
ISBNdb.com is an online book database, with data collection libraries around .
xISBN tools. xISBN Ruby library. Open source xISBN Ruby library . Python biblio
Oct 25, 2007 . HttpGet("http://isbndb.com/api/books.xml?access_key=XXXXX&results=details&index1
isbndb - RubyGems,ruby,ruby on rails in enterprise development.
ruby-isbndb - A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
We also provide a Ruby gem and PHP class for our API. Date Added: Sep 29,
Apr 27, 2011 . Kudo Rank. KudoRank 1. Primary Language: Ruby. Commits: 44. Commits_spark. First
Jun 10, 2009 . I wrote a wrapper for the isbndb.com webservice that exposes all the . Use [code
Mar 11, 2011 . Ruby ISBNdb is a simple, Ruby library that connects to ISBNdb.com's Web
ISBNDB.COM - Books search engine taking data from hundreds of .
Mar 6, 2006 . I couldn't change ISBNdb, so tried reproducing it. . echo 9781851683321 | ruby
ISBNDB.COM - Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries .
try a URL like: http://isbndb.com/api/books.xml?access_key= {yourkey} . </
Oct 25, 2007 . Ruby: Fetch ISBN XML from isbndb.com and Parse · VB.NET: Fetch ISBN XML
Recently Seth has become a proponent of open-source software, writing Ruby
People who use ruby-isbndb. This shows a list of all the people (0 total) who
ruby-isbndb - A simple library for using the API of ISBNdb.com in Ruby.
ISBNDB.COM - Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries. .
Ruby ISBNdb is a amazingly fast and accurate gem that reads ISBNdb.com's
<ISBNdb server_time="2011-03-18T14:17:06Z">; - <BookList total_results="1" .
Replace(fox, (string) m_Fixups[fox]); } } return input; } /// /// Query ISBNDB.COM,
ISBNdb.com API. . the data retrieved from isbndb.com in a database and fill it up
strURLSearch = "http://isbndb.com/api/books.xml" strURLSearch . that I'm
Ruby ISBNdb is a simple, Ruby library that connects to ISBNdb.com's Web Service
ISBNDB.COM - Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries . (
ISBNDb.py is a wrapper for ISBNDb.com written in Python. The goals of this