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This is a partial HTML version of the help available on the IRC server by typing /
Get NewNet's IRC Script. North American Servers. SERVERS .
You are visiting the official website for the IRC client Irssi, for more information
EFnet Server List. Servers: 75 total, 60 leafs. Currently there are .
Below is a table of IRC commands that have been implemented .
IRCsource server list. . servers page, IRCsource. home - about .
Find IRC Servers. Several sites maintain lists of IRC servers that you can connect
The most complete list of Internet Relay Chat networks on the Internet, with links
Apr 4, 2008 . StarChat is dedicated to providing you with the best IRC network service with a
From mailing lists to #OperHelp, DALnet's staff works diligently to serve its . The
Main article: List of Internet Relay Chat commands. IRC is based on a line-based
6 days ago . Please make sure you are connected to irc.freenode.net server (port 6665, 6666,
The oldest and one of the largest IRC networks in the world. . EFnet Server List
The following is a list of currently active IRC servers on the GameSurge network.
Sep 13, 2006. IRC networks, their services, and their servers! You'll love SearchIRC's
Mar 9, 2010 . Servers with Webirc enabled show your true hostmask, obfuscated on . IRC:[
Queries the server to see if the clients in the space-separated list <nicknames>
/server – if you wish to connect to an IRC server, you can specify the server name
This is a list of IRC servers, generally ordered by continent and country. A count
IRC Servers for Comic Chat and Established Regular Rooms List. . If you have
Since this list is self-generated, the IP server names are the one this servers have
IRC_SERVERS_FILE: sets the name of the IRC server list that is loaded before
Liste die täglich mehrmals überprüft wird und viele öffentlich IRC-Server auflistet.
blank.gif (43 bytes). Church Of The Swimming Elephant .
Of all of these large networks the most important servers are included in mIRC's
IRC Server List. Post by beast6228 » Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:53 pm. Hi everyone, I'm
For readers of The Internet For Dummies and Poor Richard's .
running your own IRC server is very useable for different kinds of communication
5 hours ago . Public proxy free servers list, socks, irc, connect, https, http, cgi proxies to .
In this list , I have tried to incorporate all the commands which time , this manual
Sorry, only English is available at the moment. Other languages coming soon.
Welcome to the undernet IRC network. Home · Sitemap .
Very active community on IRC! No servers/daemons/bots/BNC, but irssi/screen is
North America: apocalypse.esper.net; chaos.esper.net; galaxy.esper.net. Europe:
To list all the public channels on a network or server, select the menu IRC►Join
EFnet Home Page [ext. link]. This is the semi-official EFnet home page, follow the
SwiftIRC is one of the largest IRC networks currently available .
Lists of servers for most known IRC networks. Those for networks which do not
Take a look at a current list of servers or learn about the Undernet's own unique
Feb 22, 2011 . Address, Location, Ports, SSL Ports, Administrator. estranged.blabber.net,
View detailed statistics about the quantity of users and channels of hundreds of
A public Jabber server with support from AIM, Yahoo, GaduGadu, ICQ and IRC.
Feb 20, 2012 . Change the default "newserver/6667" entry in the server list to "irc.twit.tv/6667" (
Even after you connect, the traditional /links command to get a server list will only
This is a list of all servers, their owners, and operators, as well as what locations
StarLink-IRC.Org - Home of The best little cybertown on the internet.
Sep 29, 2002 . Helpful page for customizing your mIRC servers List.
Pointers to freenode currently include irc.ghostscript.com, irc.gnu.org, . The
Here you will see all DALnet's servers, whether online and .
Mozilla users may click a link to connect, or, you can use our Java IRC client,