Jan 17, 12
Other articles:
  • Apr 18, 2007 . IRC Help for the Beginner, mIRC Commands - Learn what they are and how .
  • Rizon is an IRC (internet relay chat) network that has been around for 9 years .
  • Where can I find documentation about IRC commands and features? Anthrochat
  • (3) What does a client do? What is the purpose of a server? An irc client reads in
  • IceChat is fully Compliant with RFC 1459, an IRC Standard. IceChat has most of
  • This is a partial HTML version of the help available on the IRC server by typing /
  • Sep 11, 2011 . To register on the hackthissite irc server, enter the following commands: /nick <
  • These are the RAW commands supported by this server. a client usually supports
  • To access the freenode IRC servers, you'll first need an IRC client. . Use the
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  • This command is like a Sonar or Traceroute for IRC server. You type in /LAG irc.
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  • The Funcom IRC uses a BOT that is called “Q” to handle all of the nickname
  • Message details On the following pages are descriptions of each message
  • /disable {#groupname} De-activates a group of commands or events. /disconnect
  • These servers link to many other servers to make up an IRC network, which .
  • Note that 6667 is the default IRC port and is sometimes overloaded, so we . In
  • They can also disconnect servers from the network if the lag gets . The
  • The following commands will provide some information about the servers and are
  • Aug 4, 2011 . Create an IRC server. You can add an IRC server with /server command, for
  • server kills (nick collisions). 4. SNO_OPERKILL, oper kills. 8. SNO_HACK2,
  • BitchX: Interacting with the IRC Server. Commands to control .
  • You will find a detailed command Help for every available IRC Server command
  • Jan 14, 2011 . These are people who have special administrative powers to kick people out or
  • Nov 21, 2010 . uses UnrealIRCd. . 2 IRC operator commands . /HELPOP
  • Sep 23, 2010 . If it's not installed, install it with following command. . Communicate IRCHowTo
  • Jun 9, 2011 . To connect to an IRC server you need an IRC client. . XChat can also be
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  • Syntax: REHASH. Causes the server to re-read and re-process its configuration
  • Jun 11, 2011 . We will now cover a few simple commands which you need to learn to be able to
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  • Then click OK. The mIRC Edit Server window will close. Click Connect to IRC
  • This command switches to the Nth server connection. . brain melting, you can
  • Below is a table of IRC commands that have been implemented .
  • To change your Nick whilst on an IRC server the command is /nick. The
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  • 4 days ago . This happens if you use "many" channels, due to IRC clients flooding the server
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