Other articles:
Apr 18, 2007 . IRC Help for the Beginner, mIRC Commands - Learn what they are and how .
Rizon is an IRC (internet relay chat) network that has been around for 9 years .
Where can I find documentation about IRC commands and features? Anthrochat
(3) What does a client do? What is the purpose of a server? An irc client reads in
IceChat is fully Compliant with RFC 1459, an IRC Standard. IceChat has most of
This is a partial HTML version of the help available on the IRC server by typing /
Sep 11, 2011 . To register on the hackthissite irc server, enter the following commands: /nick <
These are the RAW commands supported by this server. a client usually supports
To access the freenode IRC servers, you'll first need an IRC client. . Use the
Command, What it does, Example. /attach /server, Sign on to a server, /attach irc.
Chanop & mode commands. Very Advanced So you want to be an IRCop. IRC
This command is like a Sonar or Traceroute for IRC server. You type in /LAG irc.
Jul 29, 2011 . Connect to irc.freenode.net. Typically, this can be accomplished with the
UnrealIRCd has a lot of powerful oper commands which are explained in User &
NOTE <command> [&<password>] [+|-<flags>] [<arguments>] NOTE is a sort of
The Funcom IRC uses a BOT that is called “Q” to handle all of the nickname
Message details On the following pages are descriptions of each message
/disable {#groupname} De-activates a group of commands or events. /disconnect
These servers link to many other servers to make up an IRC network, which .
Note that 6667 is the default IRC port and is sometimes overloaded, so we . In
They can also disconnect servers from the network if the lag gets . The
The following commands will provide some information about the servers and are
Aug 4, 2011 . Create an IRC server. You can add an IRC server with /server command, for
server kills (nick collisions). 4. SNO_OPERKILL, oper kills. 8. SNO_HACK2,
BitchX: Interacting with the IRC Server. Commands to control .
You will find a detailed command Help for every available IRC Server command
Jan 14, 2011 . These are people who have special administrative powers to kick people out or
Nov 21, 2010 . irc.mibbit.net uses UnrealIRCd. . 2 IRC operator commands . /HELPOP
Sep 23, 2010 . If it's not installed, install it with following command. . Communicate IRCHowTo
Jun 9, 2011 . To connect to an IRC server you need an IRC client. . XChat can also be
irc.technerd.net server commands for IRCOps. Please note: This . Server
Syntax: REHASH. Causes the server to re-read and re-process its configuration
Jun 11, 2011 . We will now cover a few simple commands which you need to learn to be able to
How do I connect to an IRC network or server? Connect to any IRC server with
Then click OK. The mIRC Edit Server window will close. Click Connect to IRC
This command switches to the Nth server connection. . brain melting, you can
Below is a table of IRC commands that have been implemented .
To change your Nick whilst on an IRC server the command is /nick. The
Syntax: /DNS option Returns information about the IRC server's DNS cache. Note
How do I automatically send commands to server at connect? . /SERVER ADD -
Servers 6. Channels 7. IRC commands and features 8. Notify list 9. . . IRC
That is the list of available commands you can use with this particular file server.
Nov 24, 2011 . Connecting TKK's IRC server. You connect by following command: /server irc.cs.
After filling the info out you will need to add the server we are located on. . can
4 days ago . This happens if you use "many" channels, due to IRC clients flooding the server
Eggdrop Command Reference (Irc). [ Back to Reference Index ]. The irc module
JOIN Command ***. Used to enter one or more channels on an IRC server. All
Apr 18, 2007 . IRC Help for the Beginner, IRC Commands -- learn what they are and . You'll
Note that all /STATS use is broadcast to online IRC operators. If a server
Nov 4, 2011 . Reply quickly to messages using /ircreply; Execute server commands from IRC (