Sep 21, 14
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  • everythingapplepro.net/?p=526‎CachedSimilarFeb 9, 2012 . The iPhone 3G is still a very popular phone despite its age and is one of the .
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  • https://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Redsn0w‎CachedApr 16, 2014 . Version 0.9.6b6 supports jailbreaking iOS 3.2.2, 4.1, and 4.2.1 for every device
  • www.guidemyjailbreak.com/how-to-jailbreak-iphone-3g-421/‎CachedThe easiest guide to show you how to Jailbreak iPhone 3G on iOS 4.2.1. . Click
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