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In the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)the alpha and beta chains associate
Search Criteria: Research Area is "Immunology and Inflammation Research:
The major histocompatibility complex class II associated invariant chain (Ii) has
Inhibition of invariant chain expression (CD74) in DCs incubated with antisense
processed antigen is determined by the invariant chain. (li). By analysis of . the
CD74 molecule, major histocompatibility complex, class II invariant chain . The
The invariant chain (Abbreviated Ii) is a polypeptide involved in the formation and
Jan 6, 2008 . or the transfection of cells with genes or minigenes encoding the antigen of
The CD74 antigen (also known as H-2 class II histocompatibility antigen gamma
The invariant chain (I chain) associates with major histocompatibility complex
ABSTRACT: The murine invariant chain (Ii) was found to incorporate radioactive
and Jacobson, 1989; Koch et al., 1989). Class II molecules assemble in the
The SCOP classification for the Class II MHC-associated invariant chain
The MHC class II-associated invariant chain (Ii) has several important functions in
A fragment of the invariant chain, CLIP, occupies the peptide-binding groove of
Differentially Expressed MHC Class II-associated Invariant Chain in Rat Stomach
invariant chain (Ii). The I-class H association has been shown to block peptide-
May 19, 2011 . The invariant chain is associated with MHC class II (and recently shown to be
In antigen presenting cells, the assembly of matched α and β subunits to
Use the filters to narrow your HLA-DR antigens-associated invariant chain
absence of invariant chain, intracellular a13 heterodimers could be detected .
Invariant Chain Fragment Is a Strong Inhibitor of Lysosomal . The invariant chain
May 16, 2011 . Requirement for invariant chain in macrophages for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ABSTRACT. The invariant chain (Ii) is a glycoprotein coexpressed with the major
Dec 1, 2007 . A revised model for invariant chain-mediated assembly of MHC class II peptide
The invariant chain (Ii; CD74) plays a critical role in this process by influencing
The invariant chain also facilitates the export of class II MHC from the ER to the
3 days ago . Soluble invariant chain lacking the transmembrane region forms a trimer. .
Abstract. The invariant chain (Ii) is a key player in regulating the MHC Class II
Invariant chain (Ii) and HLA-DM molecules are implicated in the antigen
The invariant chain (Ii)-derived peptide CLIP is required for HLA-II-mediated
Invariant Chain and the MHC Class II Cytoplasmic Domains. Regulate
class II molecules at the cell surface depends critically on the invariant chain. (Ii).
Found a total of 67 Ia antigen-associated invariant chain antibodies from 5
Feb 27, 2012 . Differential regulation of MHC II and invariant chain expression during maturation
of the class ll-associated invariant chain. These peptides were rare on DR3 . II-
for a pool of excess invariant chain in class H-positive cells, suggesting that an .
The p41 isoform of invariant chain is a chaperone for cathepsin L. Ana-Maria
general model of invariant chain association, indicating that it binds to all class II
the invariant chain on the cell surface is very similar to that of class II molecules,
In addition to functioning as an MHC class II chaperone, Cd74 was required for B
(1984) Koch et al. The Journal of Immunology. Metabolic labeling and
milatuzumab, which targets the invariant chain . Introduction: Targeting CD74 as
. Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. Acronym, Definition. CLIP.acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Class+II-associated+invariant+chain+peptide - Cached - SimilarThe intracellular localization and oligomerization of chicken . Invariant chain (Ii) binds to MHC class II (MHCII) to assemble a nonamer in the
May 26, 2006 . Ia associated invariant chain - Medical Terms is a service who provides
Class II-associated invariant chain peptide down-modulation enhances the
Mar 21, 2012 . HLA-DR antigens-associated invariant chain. Ia antigen-associated invariant
S tepwise degradation of the invariant chain (Ii) is required for the binding of
Aug 9, 2010 . Abstract. Background— Adaptive immunity and innate immunity play important