Other articles:
Interactive Notebooks. Compiled by Sally Creel. K-5 Science Supervisor, Cobb
The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative,
A Corwin Product:Teaching Science With Interactive NotebooksKellie Marcarelli.
May 29, 2009 . Essentially, Interactive Notebooks (INs) are a format for taking notes that
This slide show indicates how one might set up an interactive notebook. . Mr.
A SAGE Publications book: Science, Middle School Teaching Methods, Content
Apr 10, 2002 . Interactive Notebook. History Alive is a program that provides a different way to
Interactive Notebooks. Table of Contents. 1 All about Me (words and pictures to
January 2009. 51. An interactive notebook can be a power- ful instructional tool,
Interactive notebooks promote organization, engage students, and encourage
Encourage Creativity with Interactive Notebooks - Welcome teachers! This is a
In order to support teachers as they share Interactive Reading & Notetaking with
PD Workshop #3 - Science Interactive Notebooks, May 24, 2010 Presented to
Interactive Notebook. Your Key to Success. in Social Studies. Have you ever
May 20, 2011 . I like to call the notebooks WINs (Writing Interactive Notebooks). I am so excited
Aug 8, 2008 . This is a powerpoint detailing what an INB is, how to set it up, and its uses.
Jan 8, 2012 . An Interactive Notebook (IN) is a bound notebook, typically a composition book or
Graphic Organizers and Interactive Notebooks. Math and Science. Carol Bauer
May 28, 2009 . How to set up your Interactive Notebook. . Interactive Notebooks; Settingupthe
Interactive notebooks is a tool that students can use to facilitate learning and
Interactive Notebooks are gaining popularity in English classrooms nationwide
Interactive Notebooks. Susie Orr and Cindy Agner. Fairfax County Public Schools
Interactive Notebooks: Left Sides. The left spiral page (even number)
Interactive notebook activities with a fun shapes and pattern theme. . Interactive
Interactive Notebooks for Science Classes. LAYOUT EXAMPLE OF THE
Keeping Interactive Notebooks in Science. What goes on the Left Side? Output
Overview for Interactive Notebook. Left Side. Student Process New Ideas. Right
lesson. The Interactive Student Notebook provides a cohesive structure and
Current Notebooks. 5th Grade Science · 7th Grade Science. Older Notebooks -
Interactive Notebooks are a fantastic way to get students actively involved in their
Interactive Notebook Method. From History Alive. What is the Interactive
Students in a linguistically and culturally diverse high school maintained an
Dec 25, 2009 . We show you the steps to set up your notebook and be ready to get started.
Jun 29, 2010 . I have my students use interactive notebooks in social studies. If you use the
Curriculum Pages. Interactive Science Notebook Links .
My most popular posts seem to be on the implementation of the Interactive
Marcia Carter has taught English for thirty-two years and is a consultant for the
Interactive notebooks enable students to organize, process information and
“Teaching Science With Interactive Notebooks provides teacher-friendly, practical
Your INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK will increase your understanding of
Jun 25, 2009 . It seems my post the other week about using Interactive Notebooks in my
I know very little about Interactive Notebooks and am hoping to do more research
Interactive Notebooks and. English Language Learners. How to Scaffold Content
6 days ago . Welcome to my website where students may access homework, events, and
Implementation note: you can print four to a page and have students cut them out
This website supports classroom teachers in their quest to use science
An interactive notebook is similar to a lapbook, but it is ongoing like a notebook.
The interactive notebook began as a strategy in Addison Wesley's program,
Are class notes boring and dull to hamper your students' need to suceed in your
The Interactive Notebook is a project that we will work on three days a week in