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Parsing html tags in classic visual basic overloads public function indexofany C-
Mar 20, 2010 . dear friends Please tell me what is the difference between indexOf and
Nov 19, 2009 . ToCharArray(); // C# 3 var nonVowelWorks = str.Split(' ').Where(word => word.
Use the IndexOfAny() and LastIndexOfAny() methods to search for character
IndexOfAny(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) ! . To demonstrate this
Aug 24, 2011 . I need to migrate a code from C· to java and I don't know how . C# (programming
using System; class MainClass { public static void Main() { string[] myStrings = {"
[Archive] IndexOfAny C-Sharp Programming. . I then want to use the IndexOfAny
Collapse All Expand All Code: All Code: Multiple Code: C# Code: Visual Basic
Feb 11, 2011 . How can I check for the occurance of any of the character from a-z using
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function IndexOfAny( _ ByVal anyOf() As Char, _
Aug 17, 2007 . purpose of string.getenumerator(), string.comparteo() and string.indexofany() in
Jul 9, 2007 . Here is the method written in C#. . IndexOfAny(quoteChars); if (quotePos == -1) {
Re: Problem with string.indexofany, Jon Skeet [C# MVP], Microsoft C# .NET, 0,
May 31, 2010 . Please tell me what is the difference between indexOf and > indexOfAny in c
INDEXOFANY C SHARP - Page 2. Part of c expects a or See-sharp is the index
unless he is horribly confused about C# string methods. – Samuel Apr 23 '09 at
The loop uses IndexOfAny() to find the first occurrence of any of the chars in the .
Jan 10, 2010 . Published in: C# . i = source.IndexOfAny(escapeChars, i + 2);. } return source.
INDEXOFANY C SHARP - Page 5. Friends sharpask c gt summary description
Built-in C# string processing functions are extremely helpful. Here is a list of
Jun 14, 2010 . Topic: Using IndexOfAny method C#. IndexOfAny is a method that returns an
Mar 20, 2010 . dear friends Please tell me what is the difference between indexOf and
Nov 1, 2008 . I have noticed this "Advanced string function" IndexOfAll on some sites. e.g.: .
This C# example program demonstrates the LastIndexOf string method. . There
Dec 31, 2007 . dotnet.itags.org: DotNet C# (C sharp) question: Problem with string.indexofany,
Mar 20, 2010 . indexOfAny in c sharp. Thanks in advance. "srshashiran. @gmail.com" <
C#. C++. F#. VB. Copy. public int IndexOfAny( char[] anyOf, int startIndex ) .
Mar 22, 2010 . difference between indexOf and indexOfAny. Programming and Web
Aug 25, 2004 . Problem with string.indexofany. Programming and Web Development Forums -
INDEXOFANY C SHARP - Page 6. Indexofanyc,intstart,intcount else character int
The best articles and discussions we have about indexofany and c#.
Feb 11, 2009 . For finding the first copy the C# string method IndexOf is. . Simply put: the
I'm using C# and I want to check if a string contains one of ten characters, *, &, #
This C# program uses the IndexOfAny method. IndexOfAny searches for a group
Use the IndexOfAny() and LastIndexOfAny() methods to search for character
Results 1 - 16. example indexofany in c sharp indexofany c# indexofany asp .
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function IndexOfAny( _ ByVal anyOf() As Char _
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] Note This example shows how to use one of the
Sep 18, 2001 . How to submit Articles to C# Corner . . IndexOfAny() - > this returns the index of
Apr 19, 2010 . IndexOfAny C-Sharp Programming. . C-Sharp Programming Post questions,
The following example uses the IndexOfAny method to check for invalid
Indexofany C. Onenet framework difference between indexof C visual basic
May 8, 2008 . I wrote this article to explore some problems with IndexOf and friends that have
NET Framework provides an IndexOfAny method on the string type in the C#
Sep 17, 2010 . Please let me know how this can be done in C#.net. . Text; namespace
Jan 11, 2010 . Optimizing string operations in C#. By Kubajzz | 11 . . IndexOfAny(escapeChars);
Article in the C# forum by Potato. . You might also want to look at the IndexOfAny
Mar 25, 2011 . I have the following string array (quantityInForPriceBandPopUp[3]) data: 10 - 24
Jon Skeet [C# MVP] wrote:[color=blue] > Well, if you tried something like > > "