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Illegal Interview Questions and discussion on how to handle them in real life
We've all been there, nervously waiting for a job interview and wondering what
Jan 29, 2001 . Illegal interview questions Read more Preparing for the interview Types of
These kind of questions need to be answered in a proper way, but if you get an .
Sep 17, 2007 . Although HR departments should be aware of questions that are illegal to ask
Managing Illegal Interview Questions. April 28, 2011 at 7:30 am by Tom Denham.
Learn to recognize illegal interviews questions and how to respond.
1. Legal vs. Illegal Interview Questions. Topic. Illegal. Legal. Reliability,
What are legal interview questions? How should you handle an illegal question,
Illegal Interview Questions. From Great Answers! Great Questions! For Your Job
Aug 24, 2010 . Any question that asks a candidate to reveal information about his or her national
Here are some examples of illegal job interview questions. How old are you? Are
Apr 3, 2009 . Sometimes interviewers can be sneaky and ask you questions that would give
Federal and state laws prohibit prospective employers from asking certain
Most illegal interview questions are asked in true innocence — or, better stated,
Examples of common illegal interview questions. These illegal interview
Be prepared for your job interviews by knowing and understanding that there are
Illegal Interview Questions -- Be Prepared plus articles and information on jobs,
The job interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process. You can
There are some areas employers can't ask about. Find out if you're being asked
Illegal Interview Questions. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 indicates that
Improper or Illegal Interview Questions. Improper interview questions are those
What You Can Ask and What You Can't – Legal/Illegal Interview Questions.
Aug 5, 2010 . Although they're often called "illegal interview questions" in discussions and on
Companies should know what questions are illegal interview questions to protect
Tel: 415/338-1764 • Fax: 415/338-2979 • careerct@sfsu.edu • www.sfsu.edu/~
You're asked an interview question you think is discriminatory. How do you
If you are asked inappropriate questions when interviewing, be polite and try not
Illegal Interview Questions Questions structured to obtain information regarding
Nov 15, 2007 . In every job interview, the goal is to obtain important information while building a
Tips for Handling Inappropriate and Illegal Interview Questions. By Mary Lee
Aug 29, 2011 . Keeping one's cool when an interview chair turns into a hot seat can be difficult.
Ask only job-related questions. ∎ It is illegal not to hire candidates because of
Every human resources specialist in America knows that interview questions
The following are some illegal interview questions along with related questions
Nov 18, 2011 . Most Job Seekers have no idea what an Illegal Interview question sounds like.
Feb 23, 2011 . One of my job-seeking clients recently had an interview in which the employer
Legal information for dealing with illegal job interview questions, do-it-yourself
Wondering which questions you'll be asked during your job interview? You
Job interviews are stressful enough, but illegal interview questions make things
illegal interview questions, career newsletters, job e-zine, job ezine, employers,
Jul 15, 2011 . This cast gives our guidance on answering illegal interview questions. This cast
130. Career Management and Professional Development Manual. Areas of
Illegal Interview Questions include very personal matters like religion, age,
Information about illegal interview questions as they relate to people with
Unfortunately, most hiring managers are untrained in the legalities of interviewing
Identifying and handling illegal job interview questions.