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Compare. Apple iDisk Utility Windows Version Added on 05/13/2004.
Jan 17, 2009 . Launch a new Finder window by clicking its icon in the dock. . Finder will
How can other users upload files to my iDisk /Public directory? . Your MobileMe
iDisk Public Folder and non-iTools Members Networking. . members -
http://public.me.com/USERNAME. Or if they have Macs they can use Finder menu
A Windows user who wishes to see and copy files in an iDisk Public folder must
The icon for iDisk also shows up in all Finder windows. You can connect to
Feb 26, 2003 . However, the Windows XP version doesn't seem to allow you to control the
I've set some share folders, from windows xp I can .
Apr 12, 2011 . Here is a great way to transfer files to the public folder on an iDisk. If you . How
May 9, 2006 . Tip of the Day Your iDisk's Public Folder can now be accessed by a . to access
Nov 25, 2009 . iDisk even works with Windows. If you give out your public.me.com/username
Jun 18, 2009 . idisk Public Folder Access . kind of solutions to set-up a password protected
Apr 12, 2011 . MobileMe, Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP. To share your files, just copy
If you're using Mac OSX version 10.3 or later, choose Go > iDisk, and then
Mac/MobileMe member's iDisk Public folder, select from the Finder menu bar Go
Nov 15, 2003 . 1. for windows 2. for mac 3. using the idisk utility program of course he may not
[X4U] Accessing iDisk Public folder from Windows. Mark Des Cotes mark at
PC Instructions for ACCESSING our ".mac, Public Folder": If you're using
To access someone's Public Folder (of their 'DotMac' iDisk) do the following: 1.)
Connecting to someone's Public folder using Windows XP: If you're using
Feb 27, 2010 . Tags: idisk, mac os x, mobileme, public folder, share public folder . . How to
Type the Public folder password in the password field. Using iDisk | PC If you're
My wife is trying to access my Public Folder via the Windows version of iDisk
Your iDisk shares any files that you place in its Public folder. . Any user with an
i want to access all of the files from the public folder of my idisk. i don't . If you're
Oct 9, 2009 . Your iDisk Public folder, a place where you can share files with friends, . On the
Mar 9, 2009 . Your file-sharing buddies can add your iDisk Public folder to their Finder. . At the
[X4U] Accessing iDisk Public folder from Windows. Eddie Hargreaves meged at
OK. Open a Public Folder. To open someone else's Public folder, enter a
Mar 13, 2008 . To return to the main window of your iDisk, click the iDisk Home button. You can
Mar 8, 2004 . Mac account to access someone else's iDisk Public Folder. In fact, you don't even
Jun 28, 2010 . Click the iDisk tab. Enable the option to "Password-protect your public folder" and
Optionally, check Reconnect at Logon, if you want to connect to your iDisk
May 18, 2009 . Here, in a section called Your iDisk Public Folder you will see an option to Allow
Dec 19, 2008 . You would simply connect to your iDisk in OS X or Windows, and copy files you
We're pleased to announce a new simpler way to access iDisk Public folders with
Dec 30, 2005 . To connect to our Public iDisk folder using a different version of Mac OS X or
The "Public", "Sites" and "Web" folders are the only ones which can be accessed
To make it even easier to share your iDisks data with Windows XP systems,
. X (10.1.x or 10.2.x). Download the iDisk Utility from the Apple . 2 --> You will
Oct 3, 2005 . Using your iDisk's Public folder, you can share files and folders with just . . To
iDisk Public Folder . "Web folder or FTP site" does not appear. Only a .
Jun 22, 2009 . While Windows users can have a MobileMe account with an iDisk, most of them
Unlike iDisk, Dropbox also works on Windows, Linux, Android, and . So instead
Enter the address provided above for Windows XP. Sharing iDisk Files Using a
Jan 23, 2003 . iDisk Public Folder More Accessible with Windows than OS 9, Jeff Adkins, Mac
From the OSX Finder menu: Go>iDisk>Other User's Public Folder. With the first
Mar 16, 2007 . Running Windows (or anything else) on your Mac Discussion of Classic or . Mac