Jun 17, 14
Other articles:
  • https://www.icinga.org/. /nagios-plugins-url-name-update-monitoring- plugins-httpswww-monitoring-plugins-org/‎CachedSimilarJan 15, 2014 . Dear community, Icinga wouldn't be so successful without the magnificent job by
  • askubuntu.com/. /how-to-download-icinga-and-its-plugins-in-ubuntu‎CachedMay 13, 2014 . Also when I go to Monitoring plugins download page then I can see a link to
  • https://www.netways.org/‎CachedSimilarOur Icinga and Nagios Plugins. In our projects we developed a lot of plugins for
  • www.netways.de/en/de/produkte/icinga_and_nagios_plugins/‎CachedSimilarDec 28, 2012 . Icinga and Nagios executes their monitoring via plugins, which perform the actual
  • https://github.com/episodeiv/icinga-plugins‎CachedSimilaricinga-plugins - Various more or less useful icinga plugins, written by me or
  • docs.icinga.org/latest/en/quickstart-icinga.html‎CachedSimilarIcinga and the plugins will be installed underneath /usr/local/icinga. Icinga will be
  • tuxers.com/main/writing-custom-nagios-check-scripts-plugins/‎CachedSimilarMay 14, 2012 . This one will discuss writing custom check scripts (plugins). Finally a fourth is a
  • linuxdrops.com/how-to-use-check_by_ssh-plugin-for-monitoring-nagios-or- icinga/‎CachedSimilarOct 27, 2012 . Overview. Nagios provides you a lot of ways to monitor remote hosts, NSCA (
  • www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/nagios_and_icinga‎CachedSimilarApr 27, 2012 . What about plugins? Are plugins developed for Icinga compatible to the ones
  • https://www.monitoringexchange.org/‎CachedSimilarMonitoringExchange, serving the Monitoring Community since 2004 - Download
  • www.terminalinflection.com/icinga-nagios-debugging/‎CachedJun 15, 2012 . As an example, I've set up on my Icinga host (monhost) a JMX (for Tomcat)
  • www.krisdavidson.org/. /icinga-plugin-state-unknown-after-upgrade/‎CachedSimilarIcinga plugin state UNKNOWN after upgrade. Thursday, the 14th of February,
  • www.admin-magazine.com/. /Monitoring-network-computers-with-the- Icinga-Nagios-fork‎CachedSimilarAdditionally, the API facilitates the development of add-ons and plugins. Icinga
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  • https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/. /does-not-work-with-icinga‎CachedSimilarFeb 16, 2013 . Hey, is there any chance to let the plugin run with icinga (https://www.icinga.org/)
  • kezhong.wordpress.com/. /install-and-configure-icinga-on-fedora-16/‎CachedSimilarJan 21, 2012 . passwd icinga # /usr/sbin/groupadd icinga-cmd # /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G icinga-
  • rpm.pbone.net/. /icinga-plugins-eventhandlers-1.10.2-4.6.1.x86_64.rpm. html‎CachedJan 7, 2014 . Eventhandlers for icinga /mirror/ftp.opensuse.org/update/13.1/x86_64/icinga-
  • https://www.mail-archive.com/icinga. icinga.org/msg00289.html‎CachedMar 23, 2014 . I am open to suggestions and I agree. I named it that as icinga is my primary
  • packages.debian.org/sid/all/icinga-common/filelist‎Similar. of architecture all. /etc/default/icinga /etc/icinga/commands.cfg /etc/icinga/icinga
  • blog.christosoft.de/2013/01/nagios-icinga-memory-usage/‎CachedSimilarJan 30, 2013 . Nagios and its fork icinga are great monitoring tools. They come with a bundle of
  • https://addons.alfresco.com/addons/alfresco-nagios-icinga-plugin‎CachedAug 13, 2012 . This package contains a Nagios/Icinga Java plugin to check via JMX values to
  • https://confluence.terena.org/. /Nagios+and+Icinga+plugin+for+VCS‎CachedSimilarFeb 23, 2012 . Description. The plugin could be kind of nasty depending on how familiar you are
  • www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=icinga-plugins. ‎CachedRPM resource icinga-plugins-eventhandlers. Eventhandlers for icinga. Providing
  • www.panticz.de/Icinga-plugins‎CachedSimilarbasic plugins apt-get install -y nagios-plugins-basic. # memory https://raw.
  • www.pcbackup.it/list-icinga-plugins-and-commandss/‎CachedList Icinga Plugins and Commands In a standard install of nagios, from platform
  • www.perzl.org/aix/index.php?n=Main.Icinga-plugins‎CachedSimilarNov 13, 2013 . Description. Icinga is a fork of the Nagios monitoring solution. It is a program that
  • fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Icinga‎CachedSimilarIcinga is a fork of Nagios and is backward compatible. So, Nagios configurations,
  • https://wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/Plugin+Collections‎CachedSimilarAug 15, 2013 . In the wild, there are various websites collecting plugins, addons, . Inc. All
  • it.megocollector.com/?p=1702‎CachedFeb 6, 2012 . The typical installation of Icinga will use the Nagios plugins. However, there are
  • www.howtoforge.com/server-monitoring-with-icinga-on-ubuntu-11.10-p2‎CachedSimilarMar 29, 2012 . The main Icinga configuration file is /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg, additional . . The
  • code.google.com/p/alfresco-nagios-and-icinga-plugin/This package contains a Nagios/Icinga Java plugin to check via JMX values to
  • https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nagiosplugin/‎CachedSimilarMay 27, 2014 . nagiosplugin is a Python class library which helps writing Nagios (or Icinga)
  • comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.icinga.user/3760‎CachedChecking CPU load with Icinga plugins. Antonio Fernández Pérez <
  • https://wiki.icinga.org/display/testing/Icinga+Plugin+Testing‎CachedSimilarMar 14, 2013 . General. This guide is intended to help you with running commands as the core
  • https://inuits.eu/blog/writing-customized-icinga-checks‎CachedSimilarRecently I started to try writing a customized script for the icinga monitoring tool.
  • www.transitiv.co.uk/resources-page/nagios-plugins‎CachedSimilarOne of our specialities at Transitiv Technologies is the implementation of custom
  • www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Icinga_NRPE_Plugin‎CachedSimilarFeb 8, 2013 . This article will show how to configure the Nagios/Icinga client and Icinga server
  • docs.icinga.org/latest/en/plugins.html‎CachedSimilarIcinga will execute a plugin whenever there is a need to check the status of a
  • www.bortzmeyer.org/go-dns-icinga.html‎CachedSimilarDec 4, 2012 . An important feature of the Nagios monitoring system (or of its compatibles like
  • www.monitoring-portal.org/wbb/index.php?page=Thread. ‎CachedSimilarI asume that I must put the path of nagios plugins into icinga. But van't find where
  • https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/‎CachedSimilarWe, the Monitoring Plugins Development Team, maintain a bundle of more than
  • lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-updates/2014-02/msg00061.html‎CachedSimilarFeb 21, 2014 . openSUSE Security Update: update for icinga . icinga-plugins-eventhandlers-
  • pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Monitoring_with_Icinga‎CachedSimilar. wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagiosplug/files/nagiosplug/1.4.15/nagios-
  • https://wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/Nagios+Plugins‎CachedSimilarJan 14, 2014 . Compile and install the plugins by changing install directory to /usr/local/icinga (
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  • sourceforge.net/projects/icinga/‎CachedSimilar  Rating: 4.5 - 29 votes - Free - BSD, Linux, Mac OS, WindowsNOTE: Downloads at http://www.icinga.org/download/ (github) . Nagios Plugins.
  • docs.icinga.org/latest/en/pluginapi.html‎CachedSimilarThe inner workings of your plugin are unimportant to Icinga. Your plugin could
  • rpm.pbone.net/. /icinga-plugins-eventhandlers-1.10.2-4.6.1.i586.rpm.html‎CachedJan 7, 2014 . Eventhandlers for icinga /mirror/ftp.opensuse.org/update/13.1/i586/icinga-plugins
  • mbrownnyc.wordpress.com/. /implement-icinga-on-centos6-with-selinux/‎CachedSimilarTo communicate with the community of developers and users, join #icinga on .
  • https://chrome.google.com/. /icinga. /imaieifkljkcdepgaeommbdgihollphm? . ‎CachedSimilar  Rating: 4.5 - 98 votes - FreeIcinga Status is simple open source extension for Google Chrome™ that helps

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