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Discrimination of closely homologous HPV types by nonisotopic in situ
A word made up of elements (or morphemes) from different languages.grammar.about.com/od/fh/g/hybridterm.htm - Cached - Similarcolony hybridization definition | English definition dictionary . colony hybridization definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
the offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species, or
hybridization [‚hī·brəd·ə′zā·shən]. (cell and molecular biology). The production
Download free ppt files and documents about Orbital Hybridization Definition or
hybridization ( hbrdzshn ) ( cell and molecular biology ) The production of viable
hybrid n. Genetics . The offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock,
Definition of RNA in situ hybridization : A technique that is used to identify the
intr. & tr.v. hy·brid·ized, hy·brid·iz·ing, hy·brid·iz·es. 1. To produce or cause to
/ˈhaɪbrɪˌdaɪz/ Show Spelled [hahy-bri-dahyz] Show IPA verb, hy·brid·ized, hy·
Synonyms for hybrid at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
All > Science > Biotechnology and Genetics > Food Biotechnology. The
Definition of hybridization: The process of breeding a two species to create a
Definition of nucleic acid hybridization : coming together (annealling) of single-
Hybridization is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby .
plaque hybridization definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
A hybrid is something that is mixed, and hybridity is simply mixture. . is prone to
hybridization /hy·brid·iza·tion/ (hi″brid-ĭ-za´shun). 1. crossbreeding; the act or
Nucleic acid hybridization: A technique in which single-stranded nucleic acids (
an offspring of two animals or plants of different races, breeds, varieties, species,
Jul 22, 2010 . Hybrid Systems Definitions/Concepts — Presentation Transcript. 1. Prius: Latin
Definition of fluorescence in situ hybridization. Provided by Stedman's medical
Jul 26, 2004 . A technique that is used to identify the spatial pattern of expression of a particular
Definition of Hybridization with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage,
Top questions and answers about Cultural Hybridization Definition. Find 561
in situ hybridization ( in sich hbrdzshn ) ( cell and molecular biology ) A technique
Hybridization, hybridization in organic compounds, sp3, sp2 and sp hybridization,
hybridize - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words,
intr. & tr.v. hy·brid·ized, hy·brid·iz·ing, hy·brid·iz·es. 1. To produce or cause to
Definitions of suppression subtractive hybridization, synonyms, antonyms,
the spread of genes of one species into the gene complex of another as a result
Problem by Oh Goodness. : Social Definition: Hybridization. support!? I'm
Definition and other additional information on Hybridize from Biology-Online.org
Jul 26, 2004 . DNA-DNA hybridization When DNA is heated to denaturation temperatures to
Genetics The offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the
In situ hybridization: The use of a DNA or RNA probe to detect complementary
Definition and other additional information on Hybrid from Biology-Online.org
Aug 19, 2009 . A new systematic definition and the category of hybrid materials are proposed in
Forum discussions with the word(s) "hybridization" in the title: No titles with the
intr. & tr.v. hy·brid·ized, hy·brid·iz·ing, hy·brid·iz·es. 1. To produce or cause to
hybridization. Quick definition. noun. (genetics) the act of mixing different species
A laboratory technique used to look at genes or chromosomes in cells and
southern blotting Definition: method of identifying DNA by cDNA or RNA
hybridization definition. Producing offspring from parents of different stock. Note:
Hybridization can take place between two complimentary DNA sequences,
Definition of Hybridization. Mixing a set of atomic orbitals to form a new set of
Definition and other additional information on Hybridization from Biology-Online.
I. Definition of Colony Hybridization. Colony Hybridization is the screening of a
hy·brid·ized also British hy·brid·isedhy·brid·iz·ing also British hy·brid·is·ing.