Jun 4, 12
Other articles:
  • You can also use Javascript to perform redirections. It works by placing some
  • URL Redirect - meta refresh tag, php script, asp script, javascript, shtml, 301 . of
  • Example coding, Example coding results. <FORM> Select a destination:<P> <
  • Oct 29, 2011 . The above HTTP based redirect needs to be in the. region of the HTML code. *
  • Jan 27, 2009 . Plain HTML or JavaScript alternative for ASP.NET Response.Redirect (HTTP
  • Jan 21, 2008 . How to do a Redirect to an HTTP POST Request with Javascript? . .blogspot.
  • Learn how to automatically redirect your web page. . The HTML Source Logo .
  • Example: You would have been sent to Thursday.html automatically if this was
  • Feb 19, 2009 . I was looking for a simple javascript method of sniffing for an iphone . This script
  • JavaScript and CSS that are inlined in HTML documents get downloaded every
  • Apr 7, 2005 . Redirection with Javascript. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> window
  • Learn how to create a delayed URL redirection with this JavaScript timed redirect
  • Checkbox Redirect Javascript . ONE STEP TO INSTALL CHECKBOX
  • Jul 10, 2008 . This tutorial will show you to redirect users to another webpage without using
  • The following is the complete HTML for an example of redirecting using
  • Does putting the redirect in cause the code which comes first to be ignored? <
  • The URL Redirect Generator will create the code you need to automatically
  • Why don't you just clone the non mobile site(w/out the javascript mobile redirect)
  • I am making a web site and I was wondering how I would redirect the user to a
  • The onLoad method is placed within the HTML <BODY> tag. The following
  • What's the code to make the following: There's a html page that waits a little, then
  • Sep 5, 2007 . Redirect /courses/2007spring/PHY386/index.html . The following JavaScript
  • Nov 2, 2010 . SCENARIO : The user needs to be redirected to the mobile version of the site . <
  • 2.3 Refresh Meta tag and HTTP refresh header; 2.4 JavaScript redirects; 2.5
  • Oct 17, 2009 . Code, comparison and discussion about the suitability of JavaScript and .
  • Using meta refresh or javascript to redirect user agents is of little use for having
  • With straight up HTML tags it's easy: Code: Select all: <a href="index.html" target=
  • 4 days ago . To implement a timed delay redirect using JavaScript, use the code below: <html
  • Learn how to redirect to another web page using javascript with's .
  • I am looking for fast methods/ways I can redirect a HTML page to . Place a file
  • It depends what you mean by 'pass in an argument' but if you mean by URL
  • Our tool does not follow JavaScript redirects (it acts like a browser with JavaScript
  • Feb 2, 2010 . If they are on a normal computer it doesn't redirect them and they go on as
  • Hi, I am a java beginner, doing his first steps with web applications. I just installed
  • how about similar script for redirect to new url using javascript: <script> var myUrl
  • To create a JavaScript redirect, place the following code between the head tags
  • HTML Redirect. Related: • JavaScript Redirect • ColdFusion Redirect • HTML
  • A Redirect can be use as a Navigation tool or if your web site has moved a
  • I am having trouble getting this sample html/javascript HTML file to work. It is
  • Redirect after 5 seconds (See related posts). <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>
  • Visit Dev Shed to discuss Javascript- need to close current window and . <HTML
  • May 1, 2005 . Apache redirect. C redirect. Perl redirect. PHP redirect. HTML redirect JavaScript
  • <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=pagename.html"> . Javascript auto-
  • Question: How do I create a drop-down menu that redirects to a new page when
  • Using JavaScript to redirect the viewer's browser. . appName; if (browserName=
  • Apache web server configuration to enable a web site redirect. covers use of the
  • A CGI based redirect page is required whenever the original page to be

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