Dec 19, 11
Other articles:
  • Apache web server configuration to enable a web site redirect. covers use of the .
  • If you need to redirect your visitors to a new page, this HTML redirect code may
  • Try it Yourself - Examples. Document . How to redirect a user to a new web
  • To perform a HTML redirect we need to make use of the meta refresh tag. . To
  • Jun 9, 2011 . HTML Redirect Example - Using HTTP-EQUIV Refresh or JavaScript window.
  • Want a way to automatically redirect your visitors to a new location? . For
  • . CONTENT="7; url=
  • This line redirects TCP port 80 (web server) traffic to a machine inside the
  • Here is an example of segments passed as an array: $segments . anchor().
  • If you are finding Google is indexing index.html and you don't want this (I won't
  • Aug 1, 2010 . a redirect is a two step process, where the web application instructs the browser
  • Sample code for creating a PHP redirection script to transfer users from one web
  • <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; url="
  • Apr 7, 2005 . Redirect does not work the same as the code shown in the example. . There
  • The same problem exists when using a single PHP/HTML file. <html> <?php .
  • Sep 5, 2007 . For example, if you are a professor teaching the (fictitious - for the sake of the
  • Place the following JavaScript redirect code between the <HEAD> and </HEAD>
  • May 1, 2005 . Redirect /mydirectory For example,
  • 2006-06-28 : Redirecting the browser to a new page is easy. If you have a page
  • For example: RedirectMatch page1\.html page2.html. "RedirectMatch" is the
  • It's also a very, very common example, so you need to know about it. There is an
  • Option 1: Redirecting to
  • I would like to translate or 301-redirect urls such as: . Please try the following:
  • Learn how to redirect to another web page using javascript with's
  • This example shows how to rewrite a URL (to encode the session ID when
  • It will look for any .html page and redirect it to .php (ie
  • Redirect permanent /oldpage.html
  • RewriteRule ^/foo\.html$ bar.html [R]. Discussion. In this example, as contrasted
  • RedirectMatch "\.html$" This will redirect all
  • This allows you to redirect your entire website to any other domain Redirect 301 /
  • For example, using a 302 redirection from to . the page
  • Oct 3, 2008 . Examples of HTML Redirects. <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="5;URL
  • Practical auto-redirecting methods and examples. . engines can read HTML,
  • URL Redirect - meta refresh tag, php script, asp script, javascript, shtml, 301
  • But when multiple Aliases or Redirects occur in the same context (for example, in
  • . using an HTML meta element with the http-equiv parameter set to "refresh" and
  • [I commented out the meta tag on this page because it was causing too many
  • There are three main kinds of redirects online; 301, 302 and meta refresh. . The
  • A redirect in a JSP page is implemented with a call to response.sendRedirect() in
  • A lesson with examples of HTML Meta Code. . Later down the road, you may
  • rather than an absolute list of merchant codes to use. Hosted Payment Page (
  • Redirect gone /underconstruct.html Usage example: You want to force a 404
  • what is a 301 redirect how to implement it. . This will redirect "index.html" to
  • So the above example takes any file with an .htm extension and redirects the
  • The following example renders the template myapp/index.html with the MIME
  • <script language="javascript"> if(self.location==top.location)self.location="index.
  • . RSS AJAX ASP .NET PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web
  • Example for one redirect rules in a configuration: One redirect rule in the
  • For example, if the request is for an image in an HTML document, this should be

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