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I used to use RemoveRecents and was quite happy with it. However, I updated it
Sep 24, 2010 . I use Remove Recents and SwitcherMod by chpwn and Optimo to manage apps.
Sort, compare and add alternatives to SwitcherMod. Checkt Out Alternative
HI, is there an IOS 5 compatible cydia app that does the same as switchermod, i
Theme Switcher Mod . After a long look I put this down to being that the front end
Read+Write access. SwitcherMod /. Dismiss Octotip: You've activated the file
SwitcherMod is a new tweak developed by Ryan Petrich, and it allows . This
Aug 15, 2011 . switchermod vs switcherplus · switchermod ipad · switchermod settings ·
Aug 11, 2011 . So you have your iPhone(4, 3, 3gs) and you can install thousands of apps . With
The Mods generally use a Switcher/ Mod Enabler like JSGME or JonesSoft
SwitcherMod is a new tweak developed by Ryan Petrich, and it . this is better,
Sep 14, 2011 . I Use It - Rainbow . Ohloh project report for SwitcherMod . . I have been looking
Free download player switcher mod in gta sa Files at Software Informer - Multi
To download SwitcherMod from Cydia, just add Ryan Petrich's repo: http://rpetri.
You can use it in combination with stock multitasking/app switching, or you can
Jun 14, 2011 . You can install SwitcherMod for free via the bigbossrepo. Take note after
Sep 18, 2010 . And SwitcherMod has already listed in Cydia and available for free, just add this
Aug 23, 2011. Default" is a seperate mod and will not be there when you install the mod. .
Oct 14, 2010 . SwitcherMod is a new tweak available from Cydia Store that lets you to . Cydia
Oct 14, 2010 . SwitcherMod app Displays Close buttons always to App Switcher icons. . You
I use SwitcherMod on 4.3.1 to get rid of my 'recent' or not currently running apps.
Get the BLACK OPS - PROFILE SWITCHER MOD right here, right now! . By
@Jeffryyyy I use SwitcherMod which does what I need but thanks for the tip. 9:28
Nov 13, 2010 . (3Gs) I use native IOS4 multitasking with Switcher Mod with Multi flow and
Dec 10, 2010 . Fast App Switcher using SwitcherMod Tweak. Curious how to make iOS 4
Popular SwitcherMod Alternatives according to our users includes . You can
SwitcherMod /. Dismiss Octotip: You've activated the file finder by pressing t Start
Nov 20, 2010 . You can start using our download services to download Black Ops - Profile
Feb 14, 2011 . Different Cydia developers have released different tweaks for your iPhone's App
In addition, SwitcherMod will let you change the behavior of how the app . as a
Please note that devices running 4.x can no longer use remove recents,
Not working on iOS 4.2+, so if you install this package, it will also install
Sep 4, 2011 . how the hell do u use switcher mod ive tripple tapped the home button and the
Sep 16, 2010 . Prezentacja programu SwitcherMod 0.1 Kolejny program do szybkiego
Sep 17, 2010 . SwitcherMod v0.1 . SwitcherMod is a tweak in the beta dev R.petrich . . How to
Video recording is possible using Cycorder or Video Recorder for 3G. You can
-SwitcherMod. If you happen to use the default app switcher, then this is the
http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11239810&postcount=13. Except
Sent from my iPhone using iCafe app. I haven't used Backgrounder for over a
Sep 19, 2010 . Tο download SwitcherMod frοm Cydia, јυѕt add Ryan Petrich's repo: http://rpetri.
Remove recents - only show running apps in switcher EDIT: killed in 4,2,1 use
Popular SwitcherMod Alternatives for Ipad according to our users includes . You
Apr 18, 2011 . (Not working on iOS 4.2+, so if you install this package, it will also install
RE: [Beta] SwitcherMod 0.1. this is a great tweak!! definately a must have. (i also
Dec 9, 2010 . Fast App Switcher using SwitcherMod Tweak. Curious how to make iOS 4
Auto balance and team switcher mod. << < (2/3) > . we use: http://www.bf2cc.
Sep 19, 2011 . If you disable the mobilesubstrate addon using SBsettings or . Does anyone
Jul 1, 2011 . Switchermod cydiaby GotchaPine0071554 views; Thumbnail 0:55. Add to . Add
Sep 18, 2010 . SwitcherMod is a new jailbreak application available in Cydia that supposedly
Mods you can see in use: Parallax, Folder Enhancer, Carrier Changer,