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In essence, the results strongly suggest that the mandatory wearing of helmets
Nov 2, 2011 . 15 (HealthDay News) -- Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of spine . that the
Legs and arms seem much more at risk and most people don't armour those.
(For more news and opinions on cycling, helmets and safety visit HOME) . of
May 21, 2009 . "Davies, Craig recommends you wear your Motoring Helmet at all times when
Riding without a bicycle helmet significantly increases the risk of sustaining a
Cookie Composites recommends the use of a cutaway system on all camera
Dec 12, 2011 . Bicycle helmets increase risks in several ways: 1. Increased risk of having an
Oct 27, 2011 . The number of fatalities has gone up after enacting helmet laws. . Your
They found no evidence that wearing a helmet increased the risk of a neck injury
May 24, 2011 . More risk? Safety engineer slams proposed helmet law. By Courteney Stuart |
If this is true for motorcyclists, then helmet use, which reduces the risk of brain
Oct 28, 2011 . No doubt the cyclists themselves also are subject to risk compensation. Thus, by
sense of increased protection from the helmet or seat belt and thereby nullify the
Helmet Hazards and Facts: There are several safety hazards that increase the
Aug 10, 2009 . Thus, although they are correct in general terms of potential for more risk, I do not
Why would this be true if helmets do not provide any .
There is currently insufficient evidence to counter claims that helmets do not
Researchers Debunk Myth that Motorcycle Helmets Can Increase Injury Risk in
Apr 20, 2010 . There is concern, however, that head-neck-helmet biomechanics (8) may
Others fear that the weight of the helmet might increase the risk of neck injury,
Jan 28, 2000 . Many of those at high risk are those who are not obeying the traffic laws. In this
Nov 13, 2003 . Following a New York Times article on bicycle helmets that talked about riders
Dec 10, 2006 . He had increased his risk of an accident by donning safety gear. Why? You might
Feb 9, 2011 . 7, 2010) — Helmets reduce the risk of head injury among skiers and
But cycle use fell by 30% to 60%, suggesting that those who continued to cycle
The risk of neck injury does not seem to be reduced by bicycle helmets. There
Nov 14, 2011 . Some types of riding present more risk of injury than others. This may be why the
safety fleet safety, sharing the road, high risk driving, and other resources . The
Jun 15, 2011 . Backer of effort to allow riders to go without helmets says there are enough votes
Myth: Helmets give a rider a false sense of security and therefore increase risk-
Jul 15, 2010 . Our mission is to promote helmet safety for people who engage in high-risk
[9]; A 1988 US study of 8 million cyclist crashes over 15 years showed a
Jul 25, 2011 . A more recent study observed a set of participants behaviour with and without a
Apr 14, 2011 . Dr Rune Elvik, an expert in risk analysis and cost benefit analysis from the .
Children less than nine years old that used foam helmets had an increased risk
Nov 22, 2011 . Compared with motorcyclists with firmly fastened helmets, those with loosely
May 23, 2011 . Three case–control studies on the topic have left some uncertainty about whether
2 Are there drawbacks to helmet use? Claims have been made that helmets
Sep 6, 2011 . Riding without a bicycle helmet significantly increases the risk of sustaining a
Another widespread criticism of ski helmets is the one involving "risk
Apr 27, 2009 . You are ignoring the fact that risk of head injury is incredibly low, even more so
To determine if helmet use increased the risk of spinal fractures, the authors from
Wearing helmets may make cyclists feel safer and thus take more risks. This
Some helmets provide additional conveniences, such as ventilation, face shields,
Rather than a tendency for helmet wearers to take more risks, factors such as
Helmets provide the best protection from head injury for cyclist and motorcyclists
NYC: Risk of serious injury much reduced as cycling increases . Ambitious
Sep 22, 2009 . The risk of head injury and of loss of consciousness increases for skiers and
Feb 23, 2011 . Is it possible that requiring lacrosse players to wear helmets will increase risk to