Other articles:
www.bloomberg.com/. /u-s-court-rules-some-obamacare-funding-isn-t-legalCachedMay 12, 2016 . . health-care law was dealt another blow as a federal judge ruled a key .
www.forbes.com/. /the-obamacare-tax-that-chief-justice-roberts-invented-is- still-unconstitutional/CachedSimilarMay 12, 2014 . Tax bills have to originate in the House, but Obamacare began in the Senate. .
thehill.com/. /healthcare/279695-judge-rules-for-house-gop-in-obamacare- suitCachedMay 12, 2016 . The judge ruled against the Obama administration. . the funds were already
www.latimes.com/. /la-na-obamacare-court-ruling-20160512-snap-story. htmlCachedMay 12, 2016 . A federal judge has ruled that the Obama administration is unconstitutionally
www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20160127/NEWS/160129874CachedSimilarJan 27, 2016 . Judge rules part of Louisiana abortion law unconstitutional . DeGravelles noted
www.newsmax.com/. Obamacare-unconstitutional-court/. /542977/CachedSimilarDec 20, 2013 . Affordable Care Act Is Likely Unconstitutional . District of Columbia ruled
www.cbsnews.com/. /white-house-fires-back-at-ruling-declaring-obamas- health-care-law-unconstitutional-calls-decision-judicial-activism/CachedFeb 1, 2011 . White House Fires Back at Ruling Declaring Obama's Health Care Law
https://www.scientificamerican.com/. /why-the-supreme-court-s-upcoming- obamacare-ruling-matters/CachedJun 3, 2015 . Why the Supreme Court's Upcoming Obamacare Ruling Matters . How could a
newsone.com/1010525/federal-judge/CachedA second Federal judge has ruled President Obama's health care law
www.foxnews.com/. /judges-ruling-health-care-lawsuit-shift-momentum- coverage-debate.htmlSimilarJan 31, 2011 . Judge Rules Health Care Law Is Unconstitutional . Patients should have more
www.cnn.com/2012/06/27/politics/health-care-ruling/CachedSimilarJun 27, 2012 . Health care and the high court – Supporters of the health care legislation celebrate after the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in a 5-4 ruling on June 28, 2012.
www.wsj.com/. /supreme-court-upholds-obamas-health-law-subsidies- 1434737182SimilarJun 25, 2015 . The Supreme Court ruled the Obama administration can continue to subsidize .
www.upi.com/. rules-Obamacare. constitutional/2141435241385/CachedSimilarJun 25, 2015 . The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that federal health subsidies . 6-3
www.howeinsurance.com/Files/163.pdfHealth Care Law Ruled Unconstitutional in Florida Federal Court.
obamacarefacts.com/supreme-court-obamacare/CachedSimilarThe Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare on June 28, 2012. The final ruling on ObamaCare was a made by Supreme Court Judge Vinson. The basic idea of the ruling was that ObamaCare was declared a tax and not a mandate, and was therefore declared constitutional. The ruling also let states opt-out of expanding Medicaid.
www.wnd.com/. /supreme-court-made-obamacare-unconstitutional-case- alleges/CachedSimilarJun 29, 2015 . The issue is simple: When the Senate adopted its own bill, installed it . . In its
blog.constitutioncenter.org/. /how-obamacare-survived-five-years-of- constitutional-challenges/CachedSimilarMar 23, 2015 . The first serious constitutional challenge to Obamacare came in June 2012, .
www.ontheissues.org/Court/Antonin_Scalia_Health_Care.htmCachedSimilarSep 27, 2016 . The court ruled 5-4 that the individual mandate is constitutional under . the case
https://www.themuse.com/. /obamacare-what-the-supreme-court-ruling- means-for-youCachedOpponents of the healthcare law don't like it for many reasons, but the main .
dailycaller.com/. /2nd-federal-judge-rules-obamacare-unconstitutional/CachedJan 31, 2011 . 2nd federal judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional. . Conservative critics of the
www.nytimes.com/2012/. /supreme-court-lets-health-law-largely-stand.htmlSimilarJun 28, 2012 . How the Justices Ruled on the Health Care Law JUNE 28, 2012 . its
bigstory.ap.org/. /judge-sides-house-republicans-against-health-care-lawCachedMay 12, 2016 . If the decision is upheld, it could roil the health care law's insurance . Collyer
www.npr.org/sections/thetwo. /live-blog-the-health-care-rulingCachedSimilarJun 28, 2012 . In a dramatic conclusion to the year's most divisive legal debate, SCOTUSBlog says the U.S. Supreme Court has just ruled that the so-called individual mandate in the 2010 Affordable Care Act is constitutional — a decision that it's believed means the entire law passed by President Obama survives.
www.civilrights.org/monitor/. /the-supreme-court-decision-on.htmlCachedSimilarOn June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court issued a complicated ruling that upheld
www.reuters.com/. /us-usa-healthcare-ruling-idUSTRE70U6RY20110131CachedJan 31, 2011 . U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the reform law's so-called individual
www.theblaze.com/. /new-obamacare-appeal-to-be-filed-with-the-supreme- court-so-unconstitutional-in-so-many-ways/CachedSimilarOct 26, 2015 . I've never seen so many unconstitutional rulings by these federal courts. . . "
https://citizenwells.com/tag/health-care-bill-unconstitutional/CachedPosts about Health Care Bill unconstitutional written by citizenwells. . But unlike
https://billofrightsinstitute.org/. /healthcare-act-constitutional/CachedSimilarHow did a U.S. District Court recently rule on the federal government's motion to
https://www.washingtonpost.com/. law/obamacare. /af87608e-188a-11e5- 93b7-5eddc056ad8a_story.htmlSimilarJun 25, 2015 . In the 6-to-3 decision, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. delivered a sympathetic
www.politico.com/story/. /health-law-ruled-unconstitutional-048517CachedJan 31, 2011 . ( Read Judge Roger Vinson Healthcare Ruling [PDF]) . is instrumental to the
abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/supreme. decision. health-care-law/story?. SimilarJun 28, 2012 . Watch: Obamacare ruling is bad law, says Mitt Romney. . law. "The court today
www.thedailybeast.com/. /explaining-the-supreme-court-ruling-on- obamacare.htmlCachedSimilarJun 28, 2012 . An insider's guide to the Supreme Court's dramatic ruling upholding the .
www.scotusblog.com/2011/08/the-health-care-law-is-constitutional/CachedSimilarAug 5, 2011 . Under current constitutional law, the federal health care law is . the discussions
prospect.org/. /vinson-holds-entire-health-care-law-unconstitutionalCachedThis ruling, in other words, raises the stakes. While a ruling only that the mandate
www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article24604189.htmlDec 13, 2010 . A federal judge on Monday ruled unconstitutional a key provision of President
www.nybooks.com/articles/. /health-care-reform-unconstitutional/CachedSimilarFeb 24, 2011 . Can Republicans defeat Obama's health care bill by persuading the courts .
https://www.theguardian.com/law/. /supreme-court-ruling-health-care-liveCachedJun 28, 2012 . 2.51pm: President Obama learned about the healthcare ruling the same – wrong
https://spectator.org/obamacare-spending-ruled-unconstitutional/CachedMay 13, 2016 . This ruling threatens the “reform” law's viability because most of the insurers
www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0101289.htmlCachedSimilarThe Court held that the New York law was unconstitutional, since the power to .
www.nytimes.com/2011/02/01/us/01ruling.htmlSimilarJan 31, 2011 . A second federal judge ruled on Monday that it was unconstitutional for Congress
www.nationalreview.com/. /obamacare-not-constitutional-sen-rand-paulCachedSimilarJun 28, 2012 . As a consequence of the Court's ruling, Americans, whether they want it or .
www.nfib.com/foundations/legal-center/healthcare-lawsuit/CachedSimilarSupreme Court Ruling Limits Freedom, Strengthens Government . We joined
chicagotonight.wttw.com/. /il-supreme-court-unanimously-rules-pension- reform-law-unconstitutionalCachedSimilarMay 8, 2015 . In the ruling, the court rejected the state's defense that its contractual . for the
www.snopes.com/michael-connelly/"The Democrats' Legislation Ignores the Constitution." Los Angeles Times. 20
https://www.whitehouse.gov/. /supreme-court-upholds-president-obamas- health-care-reformCachedSimilarJun 28, 2012 . The Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act – the
www.usatoday.com/news/. /2011-02-01-healthcare01_ST_N.htmCachedJan 31, 2011 . WASHINGTON — A federal judge's ruling Monday that the health care law that
www.huffingtonpost.com/. /supreme-court-health-care-decision_n_1585131 .htmlCachedSimilarJun 28, 2012 . . The individual health insurance mandate is constitutional, the Supreme Court
https://en.wikipedia.org/. /Constitutional_challenges_to_the_Patient_ Protection_and_Affordable_Care_ActCachedSimilarSince the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly
www.wcvb.com/. rules. health-care-law-unconstitutional/39515956CachedMay 12, 2016 . A federal judge ruled Thursday that the Obama administration is
www.nydailynews.com/. /5-latest-obamacare-supreme-court-case-article-1. 2253138SimilarJun 10, 2015 . The Supreme Court is expected to rule this month on King v. Burwell, a case