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To work around this, many websites open PDFs in a new window, which is also .
Is it like we cannot change header using switch-case statements. If this is not .
Open your email Inbox; Double-click on the email that you want to view the
Jan 16, 2008 . Hey everybody ^_^ wow, its been a long time since my last post. Well, im working
Unsubscribe from the PEAR lists, the PECL lists, and the PHP-GTK lists on their
Aug 5, 2011 . I need to find a way without using JavaScript to make my php page open a URL
It would be useful for the users to print this page without the header and sidebar. I
Using PHP include(); to make header and footer templates . Alternatively, if you
Free Email Tracking - Email Header - Trace Email Location . Click with left
A rundown of the many ways to get new browser windows to pop up using . It
Click on one of the search results and the page will open in a new window or . . It
I am using my script to update my table with the click number and then redirect to
Use PHP and the Content-disposition HTTP header to force files to download .
1.10 How can I get my links to open in a new window? . . file inside your theme
Javascript Window.open Fails In IE. Open New Window With PHP Header Is
Replace the the faqs.php and faqs.tpl pages with the new pages. . Just add the
The index.php file (or whatever you have set as your site index_page in your
The From header sets also Return-Path under Windows. . . headers from $
can any one tell me how to open a new window using header in php thanx
Because GLUT is window system independent (as much as possible), GLUT can
'</body></html>'; $dompdf = new DOMPDF(); $dompdf->load_html($html); . A:
Sep 13, 2011 . Yes, our new friend, XMLHTTPRequest, it can submit the correct HTTP . window
PHP @ DaniWeb - I have a script that has the code similar to the following: if((
[Archive] force to download a file PHP. . header("Content-Type: application/force
Oct 4, 2008 . php redirection header, php location header. . page in new window, then in
The banner opens a new window. The spacing somehow doesn't work. I checked
Aug 25, 2008 . Explains how to use a PHP redirection to redirect url to a new page or website
[Archive] Can I use php to open header in new window ? . What I really want to
Oct 10, 2008 . <?php header("Content-type: text/csv"); header("Cache-Control: . as a separate
The additional Pages can be for: New Pages Internal Links External Links Secure
3.7 How do I get All links to open in a new window? 3.8 How can I . .. new
If you have this code on a page named openlink.php, for example, you would first
Hi I ve been trying to remove the header part of SugarCRM containg module tabs
Why is my php form opening a new window!? Lounge (non-StatCounter . //To
Learn how to use a 301 permanent redirect for PHP, ASP, htaccess or Windows
Nov 5, 2004 . Thread: target="_blank" in header() php function . If you want to open a new
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file)); . . “
I put a Flash Movie in my header. . Header typically header.php . Now, if you
Oct 11, 2011 . newwindow=window.open(url,'poppedfirst','<?php echo $popup_parameters; ?>'
Sign up for the free email newsletter for new tips, tutorials and more. . Using
Open the email message. Click the "Message Source" link in the text menu at the
1.2.2beta1 Should fix bug when viewing messages in new tab/window (other
View header.php source code at OrderSys online. . if (agree) { newwindow=
[Archive] Need a Redirect with new window opened Accessibility. . I want to do a
Apr 1, 2011 . <style type="text/css"> #header-img { height: <?php echo . $image[1] >=
header("Location: http://$SERVER_NAME/index.php; Window-target: top""); I am
The status may be overridden by calling header() with a new status line at any
In other words, when I have header("Location: mypage.php"); I want it to open in
hello all i am trying to create an excel report file to download i have saw few
Here's what I would like to do - open a new window with one URL and update the